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"So what you're telling me is that Jungkook randomly came up to you leaving my house, and walked you home?" Jaehee balked, staring at me. We were walking to the school, having left at a decent time so we weren't in much of a rush.

"And on top of that, you gave him your NUMBER?" She practically yelled and I slapped my hand to her mouth. "Be quiet, will you? I'm not done explaining!" I whisper shout. "Taehyung invited us to dinner this weekend. I told him I would go if I was able to take you and Jin."

Jaehee crossed her arms and gave me a look. "You're joking. What is with you getting mixed up with these crazy boys? This isn't a movie, Y/N! I mean, they're attractive, sure, but what if they're an axe murderer?"

I give my friend an exasperated glance. "Jaehee, it's only dinner. We're going somewhere that's probably going to be busy since it's the weekend," I paused. "And besides, Jin will be there. If anything happens he'll protect us I'm sure."

Jaehee didn't let up. "That's another thing. Have you even told him about this? I don't think he'd be willing to go, considering the falling out he had with what's-his-name." She sighed. "But whatever. As your best friend, I guess I'm obligated to go. If I sense anything weird going on, I'm grabbing you and getting the heck out of there."

I grin and throw my arms around her. "Thank you! I knew you would come around. All that's left now is to convince Jin."

Jaehee frowned. "Good luck with that one. Have you even told him you are talking to his ex friend behind his back? And seeing how he reacted when his friend was brought up last time, what makes you think he'll want to go?"

I shrug. "Technically Taehyung talked to me first, and kept talking to me. I didn't even connect the dots until he told me his name," I squint my eyes. "And I'm not sure...he sounded kind of sad when he told us, so I'm hoping the chance to see Taehyung again will be his motivator."

She looked at me for a few seconds and turned forward again. "If you say so. Let's just hope we don't get killed this weekend."

I scoff. "Of course we won't. I'll have you, and then we'll have Jin. Just watch. I'll have him saying yes the moment we walk into the classroom!"



The word is enough to make my mouth fall open in disbelief and Jaehee had a look of 'I told you so.'
Jin was sitting at his desk and was looking down away from me. His hair covered his eyes, and the pencil he was holding shook in his hands.

"W-why not?" I sputter, feeling dejected and not as confident as I felt before. "You sounded sad when you told us he doesn't hang around you guys anymore, so I thought you'd want to see him.."

Jin turned his head to look at me, his expression was calm, but his eyes reflected his internal conflict. "Yes...we all were sad when he left us. But that doesn't mean we weren't angry too. And besides.." Jin's calm face was replaced by a hard one. "It's his buddy I really don't want to see."

"Jungkook?" I say. Jin nods and he scowls, sitting up in his seat. "You should have seen Taehyung before they became friends. Jungkook was a loner and everyone kinda stayed out of his way. People were afraid of him because of certain rumors."

"What kind of rumors?" Jaehee asked. Jin smiled ruefully. "You know, physical fights, bullying, even one that said he murdered someone." He shook his head. "That one seems farfetched, but what would I know."

He took a breath. "But yes, people tended to steer clear of him. Well one day, Taehyung seemed a bit off. Like, really jumpy and easily scared. He kept looking around like he was searching for danger, all of that weird stuff. We were all worried for him, you know, of course we would be." Jin sighed. "I called him that night and asked him upfront why he was acting weird the whole day. He was really hesitant to tell me anything, but I convinced him."

Jin's frown deepens and he looks directly at us. "He said that Jungkook was watching him. At school all the time, he'd see him just...staring." My brows raised and I heard Jaehee suck in a breath. "Watching him? What kind of creep-" she cuts off and shakes her head. Jin shrugged.

"I know. It freaked me out too. Tae said he was scared, he was one of the people that took those rumors seriously. But he also said something else that really stood out to me, especially when he left us. He said, 'By Jungkook's expression it's almost like he's...waiting for me."

An involuntary shudder went through me and Jaehee must have had a similar reaction. "Thats..creepy," I reply, trying to find the words. Jaehee nods in agreement and gives me a look. "You still wanna go and eat dinner with them? Maybe you'll be on the menu."

I roll my eyes. "Yeah right. Jungkook's not THAT weird...probably." Despite my statement, I felt a bit uneasy. If Taehyung was so scared of Jungkook, why did he suddenly leave his friends to be around him? It didn't make a lot of sense, however, it did make me all the more curious. And I bet Jin is too somewhere deep down. I look at him to see he's looking at me.

"Well...aren't you at least a bit curious of why Taehyung suddenly ditched you for a guy he was scared of? I mean, who knows, maybe he's held against his will..." I felt a bit bad for throwing Jungkook under the bus, but I also didn't at the same time. The guy made himself viewed as a complete creep.

Jin pursed his lips and turned around in his seat. "I'm sorry Y/N, but I don't think I could bare seeing him so different...just seeing him around the school is difficult for all of us."

I felt a little dejected, but I also felt bad for Jin. If Jaehee randomly joined some random girl and left me in the dust, I'd feel really hurt too. "Don't worry, I get it, Jin. If you want, I can tell you if I find out anything?"

He manages a small smile. "Sure. Thank you...although I don't like the idea of you going to see them..." It was my turn to smile as I grab Jaehee by the shoulders and pull her into my side. She lets out an oomf, adding to the dramatic effect. "Don't worry, Jaehee is coming with me so there's nothing to fear!"

"Y/N I'm going to sucker punch you if you don't let me go..." I promptly let her go and she brushes herself off. She sighs and looks at the both of us. "I hate to admit it, but she's right. I am pretty scary when I want to be." I roll my eyes and Jin lets out a small chuckle.

"Well...alright." I could tell he wasn't all in for it but he looked a little better. Jaehee had that effect on people. "You guys have my number, right? Text or call if something happens..okay?"

I felt a warm feeling course through me and nodded. "Yeah, of course." Jin smiled and then the teacher walked into the room. We sat down and I grabbed a pencil from my bag. When I lifted my head up I felt like I was being watched.

Startled, I shifted my eyes just to the left to see that Jimin was looking at me.

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