XXII- closer

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"These are the best patatas bravas I've ever eaten." Stella said with a smile on her face, shovelling another forkful of said food in her mouth.

(Y/n) was happy to see that her idea of bringing her friends to this new tapas bar had been a good idea. She'd seen some pictures on social media and thought it might be a good spot for a first night out with Julian and Stella.

Not only was this a good way to get to know them better but it was also her own way of trying to thank them for looking after her during her low phase.

They had ordered some dishes to share and some cocktails, though (Y/n) had chosen to go for an alcohol free drink tonight. She didn't want a repeat of last time. On the other hand Stella had ordered a sex on the beach and Julian had opted for a negroni.

"Slow down on the food, you're going to choke." Julian throw a warning glance at Stella, a teasing edge to his tone. He took a sip from his glass, as cool and collected as ever.

(Y/n)'s heart fluttered in her ribcage as his eyes met hers and his lips curved with the hints of a smile.

'Gosh you're really in that deep, (Y/n)?' She had no idea if what she felt for Julian could be called 'love', but she certainly knew that the butterflies in her stomach had everything to do with romantic feelings.

She wondered if Julian felt the same. If he had noticed the heat on her cheeks and the avoidance in her eyes. She wondered if he too had butterflies in his stomach when he looked at her.

And if he did, would it matter?

(Y/n) liked to think it would, and that maybe these feelings could lead to something more between them.

She knew that if Julian returned her feelings, the only barrier between her and him would be her fears though. And although she wanted to beat them, she didn't know whether she was ready to jump the fence yet.

(Y/n) had finally decided to take back control over her life, yes. And if having a crush on her very handsome flatmate was part of it, then so be it. She was done staying away from others and keeping herself in a cage just for the sake of temporary relief.

She wanted to live, like people her age. To party, have fun, work for her dream and dabble in romantic relationships if her heart so desired.

However this did not mean her fears had vanished. She was still shit scared of her blossoming feelings for Julian and all that it entailed. She remained as scared of physical intimacy and men as ever.

What had changed was her perspective on things though, meshed with her determination to make her own decisions for herself and her newfound feelings for Julian.

'You can do this, (Y/n). Remember that this is your life.' Her inner voice reassured her. And indeed this was a nice reminder that her old trauma didn't have to define the rest of her life.

This was all assuming Julian returned her feelings though, and considering he'd shown no sign of being attracted to her, (Y/n) probably wouldn't have any use for all that overthinking.

"Say, (Y/n)" Stella said, sipping her drink with her pink paper straw. "You did say your showcase was soon, right?"

(Y/n)'s lips curved in a smile, she did tell them about her showcase and warmth blossomed in her stomach at the idea Stella had saved this little piece of information somewhere in her brain.

"Yes, it's in two weeks actually." (Y/n) answered, excitement flooding her veins at the thought. She was anxious, yes, but she couldn't wait to dance on stage and show off her duo with Adam.

"Oh! Can we come?" Stella asked with sparkles in her eyes, clearly very excited at the thought. "Please, please, please! I've always dreamed of attending a ballet performance!"

BROKEN WINGS (m. yanderes x reader)Where stories live. Discover now