3 : Delusional

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"We never had to force love, We were drowning in it the moment we met."

We lost.

We fucking lost.

The one game I come to see and we lose. The disappointed faces overfill the stadium as we make our way to the lobby, every once in a while you come across a beaming Panthers fan, this is the first time in five years that Pembroke college beat us and Im pretty sure it has something to do with their new captain.

Did the guys play good today? Yes of course, did we expect Pembroke to be training all summer? Fuck no.

Gracie and Emma are both sporting disappointed faces as we wait in the lobby but as the guys start dripping out of the locker rooms I watch as Gracie removes the disappointed expression on her face and replaces it with a wide smile, Emma on the other hand doesn't bother changing her expression and lets out a huff as the guys reach us.

"Hi baby" Gracie says as she places a kiss on Logans lips, I take a look at all of the guys and take note of their worn out faces. I greet most of the guys before shuffling closer towards the group I'm closest with where Gracie and Emma are.

"Good game guys." I say smiling at the group of them as I side hug Archie.

"It would have been a good game if we didn't let down our fucking guard" JJ growls out.

"She's just trying to cheer us up man" Archie says from next to me, hugging me closer to him.

"Sorry Lizard" JJ says as his strokes the bruise on his collarbone he got from the game, Gracie comes up next to him passing him some ice.

"You okay?' I ask him.

"All good in the hood"

"Beckett bruised him up pretty good" Ed adds from the other side of the semi circle we have created although his gaze is not on the group at all. I follow his gaze and watch Emma feel up one of the Juniors on the team, I turn back to Ed watching the colour drain from his face as he turns back to look at the group.

I know he is not going to do anything about it, Emma has done this a lot whether she was around Ed or not. But it never went further than her flirting and feeling them up, and that's why I'm pretty sure Ed never stopped things with her obviously they had some arguments but I'm also pretty sure that Emma won every argument because Ed didn't want to fight with her.

I love the guys like family, which is why I don't want to see them hurt but I have no say in their relationship so all I'm allowed to do is sit and watch as it unfolds.

My attention is taken from the conversation happening around me and focused on the smiles of the players exiting the guest changing room. The puck bunnies from both schools make their way over to them ready to pounce, the lobby fills with cheers as their captain walks out laughing and smiling with another player.

I watch as he signs autographs from fans and winks at puck bunnies, and for a brief -delusional- moment he locks eyes with me, I freeze in my position taking the sight of him in.

His suit is crumpled, his dark brown hair is ruffled paired with his dark brown eyes that make woman fall on their knees. His usual scowl he is photographed with is gone and replaced with a straight expression on his face, not giving any of his emotions away.

He removes his gaze away from me and turns his attention towards the reporters that are shoving a microphone into his hand, the scowl reappears on his face.

It's known that Luke Beckett is not a fan of the media and for a fair reason, I read the comments of some posts when they come on my feed on instagram and even though most are filled with puck bunnies or fans once in a while there are comments that aren't very nice, some calling him a trainwreck some calling him a failure to his legacy.

"You coming to Twilights Liz" Archie asks, I dart my eyes back to the group and look at Archie who is still next to me with his arm around my waist. Archie and I met in freshman year at the mixers, but we only started becoming close friends in sophomore year and even then our friendship was strained due to my ex boyfriend not letting me have guy friends, but Archie never left my side and never stopped protecting me.

"I don't know" I say biting my lower lip,
"I have to study for my exam"

My exam is in two weeks but I am still stressed, if my grades drop there is a good chance that they will take away my full scholarship and turn it into a partial scholarship and right now I can't afford that. Being a Biology major isn't easy, which is why I spend all my free time studying which creates lots of whines from Gracie.

"Nope you're coming, the senior card lasts all day." Gracie says pouting at me.

I hate this freaking Senior card.


In honour of Valentine's Day here is an early release💓💓

Fuck valentine😭🖕

I finished reading the inheritance games but now I have to wait a week for the second and third book to arrive😭😭

Also I have been writing like speeches I want to include in the future chapters and holy fuck.

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