17 : The "date"

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"Exist loudly"

"Stay still else I'm going to burn you" Sofia threatens me, I don't dare move a muscle as she finishes blowing out my hair.

Instead I focus on the outfit that Sofia brought over for me to wear for my date. My date with Luke Beckett. Except it's not really a date, we are just hanging out, just the two of us. Fuck it, I'm calling it a date.

Sure I've been on lots of dates in college and high school, one of them ending with me losing my virginity and another one ending in a toxic relationship.

Highs and lows.

I haven't been on a date in ten months, I haven't been asked on a date in eleven so I keep telling myself that the nerves are normal but I know they aren't, it's because I have no idea how I feel about Luke.

I should be completely disgusted and opposed to the idea of hanging out with him alone, but I'm not, and it terrifies the living shit out of me.

It's worse that he hasn't been acting like a total dick.

My nerves don't stop when Sofia finishes my make up, a natural put together look. She ends up making me take a shot to cool down.

"Chill babe, no one will see you guys" she tries to soothe me which doesn't help because I completely forgot what would happen if people saw us and now she just reminded me.

I asked Sofia to come and help me because I needed someone and she was the only person who I could trust and who knew about mine and Luke's friendship. She teased me mercilessly for it.

"Here's the outfitttt" she jumps up and down as she lifts up a hanger. The dress is a beautiful white sundress which I doubt is going to keep me warm but it's irresistible, the dress has outlines of flowers which makes it look elegant.

I change into the dress careful not to break it before walking out of the bathroom to ask for help from Sofia to zip up the dress.

"You look perfect Lizzie" Sofia whispers as she zips up the back and hands me a white ribbon,

"I'll be waiting in the kitchen" she says at the same time she exits my room leaving me alone.

I put my hair in a half up half down and pull out some strands before putting in the white ribbon.

I let myself critique my face and outfit one last time, taking a long sweep over my body. I smooth out the crinkles in the dress and slip on my trainers crossing my fingers we are not going somewhere fancy.

breathe, I remind myself.

Despite my best efforts my breath gets stuck in my throat as I hear chatter coming from outside my room, I lean closer towards my door trying to make out the voices but it doesn't help.

With one last look at myself in the mirror I step out of my room, my gaze immediately clings to Luke's. I hear him suck in a breath as his eyes roam me so I allow mine to do the same.

He's wearing baggy jeans and a white linen shirt that outline his muscles on his arms so damn well, his hair is perfect, slightly messy slightly neat and I watch in amusement as a blush falls onto his face.

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