Summer Storm Serenade

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In the midst of rain, no coat in sight,
Drenched in the storm, feeling the bite,
But he, with a gesture, offers his own,
Running in the rain, not alone.

"Seek shelter, my dear," he softly implores,
The storm within her, far more than outdoors.
She pinches herself, this dream so surreal,
Reality reminding, it's not a reel.

The storm subsides as they find a retreat,
In the warmth of a restaurant, their hearts beat.
Yet within, a fire, burning bright,
Igniting passions, in the depths of night.

Amidst the rain, in love's sweet embrace,
They find shelter, in each other's grace.
For storms may come, and storms may go,
But together they weather, love's sweet glow.

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