Echoes of Unrequited Love

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With closed eyes, his smile she sees,
Her heart flutters, a moment of ease.
Never intertwined, their paths unmet,
Yet a tale woven, with emotions set.

Refusal adds anger, love left unbound,
She strives to break free, to leave it unsound.
Unaware, his smile's bittersweet grace,
Brings forth tears, pain without a trace.

Unyielding yet unforgettable,
Love's unconditional, a truth indelible.
It only grows, and now she knows,
No matter how apart, it's a soul's journey that flows.

Through the murky waters of fate they tread,
Some souls destined where others may dread.
The pain of unrequited love, forever left unsaid,
Echoes in her heart, a silent thread.

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