Final Game

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It was the day of the championship game and everyone was on their toes.  We were the home team and the stands were completely filled.  There was a sense of tension that filled the air because most of the sports announcers ave been saying that the winner of this game is going to come down to who the better center is: me or Lana.  Honestly, I was pretty sure that they would beat us but I needed to make sure tat my team didn't see that.  

The first quarter started and it was a lot of back and forth.  I didn't notice that the time had run out when I heard the clock go off.  The score was 0-0.  The second quarter was similar to the first no one was scoring.  The clock went off, 0-0.  The third quarter continued and the ball did not leave the center of the field.  The clock went off, 0-0.  The fourth quarter started and as time ran down, I knew we needed to change something.  My coach called time.  One minute left.  

"We need to change something," I told the coach.  She looked at her clipboard for a second before she looked up meeting my eyes.  

"Anything that we do will risk them scoring," the coach responded.  We don't have time for them to score.  I took and deep breath and thought about a second.  This game could not go into overtime because at that point, luck would decide the winner and that could not happen.  

"What if Kayley and I switch positions," I asked and the coach looked at me alarmed.  

"Hmm let me think about it, NO," the coach responded.  

"Kayley is an offensive player, she would do exactly what I would.  If we shake them up then we might get shock factor but we need to block Lana because she could score.  Then, whoever steals the ball gives it to me.  If Lana isn't near me, I can score," I explained further.  

"Are you sure you can do this?" the coach asked me and Kayley.  

"Positive," we said at the exact same time.  She let us go back on the field.  This was risking the entire game but it was the only way to even scratch the surface of winning.  As soon as Lana's coach realized that we switched positions, she called a time.  

Lana POV

"What are they doing?" my coach asked me.  How the hell was I supposed to know?

"Kelce is insane, but she is smart.  They are trying to avoid going into overtime," I stated not answering the question.  

"Yes, but what is the benefit.  If Kelce isn't the center it leaves a huge gap in their defense and offense," the coach responded.  

"One that they have figured out how to exploit to their benefit, probably," I responded.  This was not good.

"Don't let them," my coach ordered before sending me back onto the field.  I took a long route and looked at Violeta.  She had the most determined look in her eyes.  

"What are you doing?" I asked her and she just smiled.  But she had a fire in her eyes, one that I had never seen before, this was not ending well for me.  

The ball went up and I took it.  I got past their fake center very easily but both of their defensive linemen were on me.  The fake center was blocking on of them leaving one player entirely open, I very quickly passed the ball before I realized exactly what I just did.  The goalie stole the ball from my teammate and threw it across the field.  Violeta.  She weaved in and out of the defensive linemen's paths with ease and I looked at the clock.  5 seconds.  

Violeta POV

I knew that the clock was running out and  needed to get a clear shot.  The second I saw one I took the opportunity.  The goalie moved her stick and it looked like a block.  She missed it.  We won.  Everyone ran over to me and we were screaming and cheering.  

The trophy was walked out onto the field after everything had calmed down a little.  "So Coach, this is your first championship and that game was intense.  What made you risk everything with that last play?" the announcer holding the trophy asked.  

"Well it was a player recommendation that I whole heartily agreed with.  We needed to win that game before overtime and doing something completely insane was our best bet," Coach responded.  

"I'm dying to know, what player recommended that?" the announcer asked.  The crowd laughed a little.  

"#71 Violeta Kelce," our coach responded with such a big smile on her face.

"Congratulations Cincinnati Bearcats champions of 2009!" The announcer yelled as he handed the trophy to my coach.  We were all celebrating.  The second they let us go I ran to my brothers.  

I hugged Travis first.  "I am so proud of you Vi.  That game was insane," Travis whispered.  I smiled and pulled away.  

"I know," I said before I went to hug Jason.  

"You were amazing, Vi," Jason said.  I pulled away and started scanning the field, I knew exactly who I was looking for.  

"Who are you looking for?" Travis asked me.  I turned to look at him.  

"Lana," I stated bluntly.  He tapped me on the shoulder making me look at is arm and he pointed her out.  "Thanks, I'll come find you later," I stated while walking in Lana's direction.  I sat down next to her and wen she saw me she smiled.  

"That was on hell of a plan, Kelce," she mused.  Her voice held no venom, she was just impressed.  Not mad or biter but impressed.  

"Thanks, there were a lot of ways that it could have gone wrong," I stated trying to lesson the blow and failing.  

"There were no holes in your plan you had every single move predicted to a tee.  I am glad that you think like that because it can't be taught," Lana rebutted.  

"Your not taking your offer back?" I asked her.  I was sure that she wouldn't want to ever see me again.  

"You are the future of this league and I want to give you everything that you deserve and that I can give you  You should be celebrating with your team," Lana stated.  She sounded sad and I knew it was because she lost the championship game in her senior year.  This was awful.  

"VIOLETA," I heard Kayley scream and I looked up at her.  "COME ON," She screamed.   put one hand on Lana's shoulder before I jogged in the direction that I saw Kayley going in.  I looked at Lana one last time and she had her head in her hands.  I felt bad, I designed a play that ensured she lost and she was my idol.  She was who I watched in high school and she made me fall even more in love with the sport.  

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