Prank War

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Honestly, we had gone almost two weeks without Travis doing anything so I thought his threat was an empty one.  I wouldn't be surprised considering ever prank war we have ever had ends in him getting pranked until he forfeits.  I was on the floor with the twins playing peek-a-boo when I heard Zach yell my name.  I picked both of the twins up and put them in their cribs before I went up to see Zach.  I walked into our bathroom and his back was facing me.  

"Why are you blue?" I asked and he turned around pissed.  His entire back was stained blue and when he turned around I noticed that his hair and hands were too.  I started laughing and he took a step forward and I stepped back.  "Stay over there." 

"I used your conditioner and there was blue dye in it," Zach stated his voice laced with venom.  

"Wait, do you think I did that?" I asked and his expression changed.  

"I did but I no longer think that," I watched realization wash over him, "Your stupid prank war with Travis."  I started laughing even harder.  The fact that this was meant for me made it so much better.  "Can you stop laughing and help me?" Zach asked and I rolled my eyes.  

"Well, your hair is dyed, get over it," I said and he showed me his hands as if I hadn't already seen them.  

"How do I get it off?" Zach asked.  I turned the sink on as hot as it could be and he washed his hands removing the dye.  I grabbed a shower cap and put it on his head.  

"Now wash you back because that's all blue too," I said and he groaned before getting back in the shower.  I waited until he got back out and dried off to take the shower cap back off of him.  "I am extremely surprised that you can actually see the color.  How much conditioner do you use?" I asked and he didn't respond.  His hair is a midnight blue and actually looks really cool.  

"I am going to kill your brother," Zach said and I rolled my eyes.  

"How about I get him back for you?" I asked and he looked at me seriously.  

"You are actually going to retaliate?  You didn't get pranked," Zach said confused.  

"Of course I am, we are married and it was defiantly supposed to be me," I said before snapping a picture.  

"What are you doing?" Zach asked.  

"I am officially accepting his prank war," I said.  I posted the picture on Instagram with the caption My brother tried to prank me and got Zach.  Revenge is best served cold, Travis.  

Over the next few weeks, Travis and I pranked each other back and forth.  Most notably, I put up the promo picture of Catching Kelce all over his office and he filled my entire back yard with balloons, which drove Glacier crazy and left popped balloons inside my pool.  Our prank war was getting a lot of media coverage and people were betting on who would win.  My mom went on the record saying, "I have no idea which of them will win but I do know that whenever they reach a truce, Jason is in tough spot.  Travis and Violeta have a tendency to mark the end of prank war by teaming up on their older brother."  

I was kind of getting sick of it so I decided to do the one thing I knew would get him.  I broke into his house in order to steal his favorite pair of sneakers and his favorite outfit.  I very quickly got out and went back home informing my security that Travis was not allowed to enter under any circumstances.  I took a picture of the outfit and the sneakers and posted it with the caption FOR SALE: Travis Kelce's favorite sneakers and outfit.  State your case in the comments.  Not even five minutes later, Travis called me.  

"Give me my stuff back," Travis said and I laughed. 

"Are you giving up?" I asked and he hesitated.  

"Whatever, just give me my stuff back," Travis repeated himself.  

"Comment on my post announcing your forfeit and your stuff shall be returned to you," I stated my terms and he grunted.  

"Fine." He said and he hung up.  I smiled to myself and Zach walked in.  

"What are you so happy about?" Zach asked.  He stopped keeping track of what was going on in our prank war as soon as the dye in his hair finally washed out.  

"I won," I said and he laughed.  I showed him the comment that Travis left I forfeit.  Give me my stuff back now.  He kissed me and had a huge smile on his face.  

"I am so glad your on my side," Zach said and I just smiled.  I went to Travis's house and gave him his stuff back.  

"You want to know what I was thinking about?" Travis asked me and I motioned for him to continue.  "Jason didn't get pranked in any of this."  I shook my head.  

"Jason never gets pranked," a smirk formed on my face.  I saw that Travis mirrored my expression, "We are so pranking Jason," I said and Travis laughed.  We started listing out pranks and every thing seemed a little complicated considering he lived in a different state.  

"Wait, do you remember the prank that ended our last war," Travis asked.  

"Of course I do.  I got grounded for two months," I said and Travis laughed.  

"I forgot about that.  We should do it," Travis suggested.  

"We are going to end up pranking Kylie," I countered.  

"Not if we warn her," Travis said.  I thought for a second before I agreed and we got everything set up.  I always loved pranking Jason with Travis it was almost as fun as beating him.  

Jason POV

There was a package at the door when I got home and it was labeled for me.  It was from Ohio which didn't make much sense but I didn't think to much about it.  I opened the package and baking soda exploded out of the box and covered my face and I heard Kylie laughing in the background.  When the baking soda settled, I opened my eyes and saw a flash.  

Kylie was standing there and she took a picture.  "You know I would blame you for this but it is exactly what my siblings would do," I said and Kylie shrugged.  I felt my phone buzz twice and I knew that it was Vi and Travis taking credit for their work.  

"You going to do anything?" Kylie asked me and I shook my head no.  

"I would never stand against both of them together, I would lose big time," I explained.  I went back out the door and shook off as much of the baking soda as I could before checking my phone and saw a post on Vi and Travis's individual Instagram's of me announcing the end of the prank war.  

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