Contra Legem

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Third Person POV:

Flashback, October 2017(Y/N's age: 18)

Manhattan, New York

Y/N found himself navigating a turbulent emotional landscape. Despite his academic success and prestigious enrollment at Harvard, he grappled with a pervasive sense of loneliness and emotional disconnect.

Harvey and Donna, still separated and consumed by demanding work schedules, struggled to provide the attention and support Y/N needed during this vulnerable time in his life. Compounded by Harvey's romantic involvement with his former therapist, Paula Agard, Y/N felt increasingly isolated and overlooked within his own family dynamic

Back in New York, Y/N found solace and companionship in his unwavering friendship with Liam, who had accompanied him from Harvard during their days off. The two friends, inseparable and steadfast, navigated the streets of New York together, finding refuge and camaraderie in each other's company

During this phase of his life, Y/N, grappling with personal challenges, embraced a more hedonistic lifestyle during his time at Harvard. Immersed in the vibrant social scene, he became a hustler, navigating through a series of flings and casual relationships. The college atmosphere provided a backdrop for his exploration of various experiences, both socially and recreationally

Right now, Y/N was calling Mike, who was working at the prison case

Y/N: Hey, Mike. How's it going with the prison case?

Mike: Hey, Y/N. It's been intense. We're knee-deep in the legal battle, but we're making progress.

Y/N: That's good to hear. Any major developments?

Mike: Not really...

Y/N: Listen, I'm back in town for a few days. Can we meet?

Mike: I'd love to, Y/N. But the thing is...I'm totally swamped with this case...and I shouldn't even be talking about this, because if your dad finds out-

Y/N: My parents don't know I'm back, Mike. And I'm not a snitch, by the way.

Mike sighs from his end

Mike: Fine. Meet me in the clinic.

With that, they hang up, and Y/N starts making his way to the clinic

At the clinic, Y/N walks in to find Mike hunched over his desk, engrossed in a case file. The room smells faintly of legal documents and antiseptic

Y/N: I may be miles away from home all the time, but I know what you're doing right now is trouble.

Mike looks up at Y/N

Y/N: Does Rachel know what you've been up to?

Mike hesitates for a moment, his expression conflicted.

Mike: No, she doesn't. And I'd prefer to keep it that way, at least for now.

Y/N narrows his eyes, sensing there's more to the story.

Y/N: Mike, you know how important honesty is in relationships. Keeping secrets like this... it's not fair to her.

Mike lets out a heavy sigh, running a hand through his hair in frustration.

Mike: I know, Y/N. But I can't risk dragging her into this mess. Not when there's so much at stake.

Y/N nods understandingly, though he can't help but feel uneasy about the situation.

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