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Third Person POV:

Bologna, Italy

December 2022

FIA Prize Giving Ceremony

Less than 19 hours for Hailee's birthday party

Amidst the grandeur of the FIA Prize Giving Ceremony in Bologna, Italy, Y/N stands tall and confident, the epitome of elegance in his sleek Tom Ford tuxedo. The atmosphere is electric as he steps onto the stage to accept his well-deserved Rookie of the Year award. The spotlight shines brightly upon him, highlighting his achievements and the hard work he has put into his racing career

He then gives his speech, full of gratitude

Y/N:! I mean...I thought I culd win Rookie Of The Year, but not like this. Third in the drivers championship,, three wins in the year...competing with drivers more experienced than me. Yes, I'm looking at you, Max. You with your fast car and good aerodynamics

The audience laughs

Y/N: Kidding...just kidding. But seriously, I couldn't have achieved any of this without the support of so many people. First and foremost, I want to thank my incredible team. Their hard work and dedication have been the driving force behind our success this season. To my engineers, mechanics, and everyone else behind the scenes, thank you for believing in me and pushing me to be the best I can be. And of course, none of this would be possible without the support of my family and friends. To my parents, thank you for instilling in me a love for racing and always encouraging me to follow my heart. To my friends, thank you for standing by me through the ups and downs of this journey. And thank you Devon Butler for talking shit all year while I get the goods.

After his speech, Y/N goes over to his table with Max and Sergio

As Y/N approaches his table, Max and Sergio greet him with congratulatory handshakes and smiles.

Max: Well done, mate. Rookie of the Year, not bad at all.

Sergio: Yeah, congrats, Y/N. You've had an impressive season.

As the evening progresses, Y/N periodically glances at his watch, his mind split between savoring the moment of his achievement and the looming anticipation of Hailee's birthday celebration. Despite the excitement of the event and the camaraderie of his fellow racers, the thought of being late to Hailee's party weighs heavily on his mind.

Each passing minute feels like an eternity as he mentally calculates the time it will take to wrap up the ceremony, make his way to the airport, and embark on the long flight back to Los Angeles. He can't shake the sense of urgency, knowing how much the celebration means to Hailee and how important it is for him to be there for her

Max: You look a little uneasy there, Y/N. Something wrong?

Y/N offers Max a smile, attempting to mask his inner turmoil with a facade of calmness.

Y/N: Nah, just eager to get back home. Got a special occasion waiting for me there, you know?

Christian Horner then comes over to the table 

Christian: Y/N...can I have a word with you?

Y/N: Sure, Mr. Horner.

Y/N nods, acknowledging Christian's request, and follows him to a quieter corner of the venue

Christian: It's just Christian, please.

Y/N: Well, Christian. What's this all about?

Christian: Well...I wanted to congratulate you on winning Rookie of the Year

Racing Hearts: A Tale of Speed and Love (Hailee Steinfeld X F1 driver M|Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora