Chapter 9

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I ride the horse to a nearby village, where I steal an apple from a distracted vender. I survive in the alley between two buildings for three nights, repenting my sins, praying to the stars I might be forgiven for my actions.

There is an anger rooted deep inside of me. I cannot rid myself of it. My heart has been darkened, and the darkness is spreading at a rate I cannot consistently fight.

On the fourth night, before dark, a woman approaches me with a kind smile. "Are you lost, child?"

"I am," I say.

She offers her home to me for the night, introducing me to her son, a boy around my age. His name is Bastian. He doesn't speak. He acknowledges me with an distracted smile, bouncing on his toes, flapping his hands.

In the middle of the night, I wake to the sound of his footsteps shuffling toward the window. His eyes are unblinking. He is in a trance. 

"Where are you going?" I ask, but he does not answer.

I follow him down a wall of vines, watching as he joins a group of young boys in the middle of the street. They dance around a bonfire.

A hooded figure plays a pan flute. I hear nothing but the sound of shoes scraping against the gravel.

I breath, teleporting into the crowd, standing in front of the hooded figure. "Who are you?"

A malicious grin stretches across the boy's lips. He pulls the hood off his head. "Who are you?" 

"How are you controlling these boys?" I ask.

"I'm not controlling them," he says. "They're having fun."

He blows air into his flute, but I hear nothing.

"Girls can't hear it," he explains. "There are no girls where I live, only lost boys."

"Where do you live?" I ask him.

"Far away," he answers, leaning closer. His eyes loom over my lips. "You're a very pretty girl. You wouldn't survive a day in my world."

"Give me a chance to prove you wrong," I say, challenging him. "Take me with you."

His smile widens, wrinkling his eyes. He shakes his head.


"She begs," he says with a little laugh. "Unfortunately, Princess, I cannot risk having a girl as beautiful as you in my world."

My heart sinks to the bottom of my stomach. "Please," I say again. "I'll do anything to escape this land."

"Have you considered shadow travel?" His fingers lift my chin. There is a longing in his eyes as he takes in every detail of my face. "You can travel wherever you desire through the shadows of others. All it takes is a little practice navigating the shadow world."

"Shadow travel," I repeat, engraving the words in my brain. "Never heard of it."

His cheeks burn red as he steps back, bowing his head. "If you ever find yourself in Neverland. . ."

The boys disappear, and I'm alone in the middle of an empty street. I cannot return to the woman's house, because I will be blamed for her son's disappearance.

I killed a man for my freedom, yet I teleport to the dark one's castle, to the upstairs bedroom. I open the spell book, but there is nothing about shadow travel.

In the library at the opposite end of the hall, I search the shelves until morning, until Belle enters. She stops in the middle of the floor, mouth hanging open with a reluctant smile. "You're back."

"I need your help," I say. "I'm looking for information about shadow traveling."

"Shadow traveling," she repeats. Her eyes bounce around the walls. "I'll help you look."

We spend days searching endless titles.

When the dark one enters the library, he smiles. "You're wasting time. Shadow travel is a skill performed only by the darkest of souls. For as long as you are nurturing the light inside of you, you will not be able to walk among the shadows."

"Teach me," I demand.

His laugh trails into his voice. "Unfortunately, Princess, that skill is too dangerous for you to perform. You could get lost in the shadow world-"

I focus my energy on Belle as she searches the third story shelves. When I lift my arm, she flies from the ladder. She floats high above the floor, screaming.

The dark one flinches ever so slightly. He's got a soft spot for this woman. It's obvious in the way his eyes gleam when she enters the room. He will risk his safety to protect her. 

"I'll drop her."

His eyes darken, challenging me. "You won't drop her."

"Yes, I will," I say. "I'll do it. I'll drop her."

When Belle calls Rumplestiltskin's name, his breath catches. "She means nothing to me."

I drop my hand and gravity takes control. Belle screams, plummeting toward the floor. Before she can reach the ground, the dark one catches her in his arms. They share an endearing gaze. His eyes drop toward her mouth. Their attraction for one another is palpable.

Fear flickers through Belle's eyes. "You. . . saved me."

"Go somewhere." He waves her away. "Find something to clean."

The dark one lifts his hand and an invisible force wraps around my throat, restricting my air flow, stealing the breath from my lungs.

He steps toward me. "You no longer wield the dark one dagger, Princess. You cannot control me."

I try to breathe, but my throat is closed. I cannot speak.

"I am, however, impressed with your progress." The dark one paces closer. "Your heart has been darkened. It's only a matter of time before you embrace who you were born to be."

He drops his hand, and I inhale, dropping to my knees.

"Teach me," I beg, gasping for air. "Please."

"It's too dangerous, dearie. I can't risk you getting trapped or killed in the shadow realm." The dark one kneels beside me. His hand lifts my chin, and he keeps my gaze, lowering his voice. "Oh, and. . . if you ever think about pulling another little stunt like that, I will kill you," he says. "I'll find the cauldron and sacrifice you myself."

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