Chapter 16

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"I told you to come to Marco's," my dad says as I walk up the gravel drive to the front door. "Where have you been, El?" 

I walked in the park with Henry, I sign, shrugging. I've never lied to him before. No big deal. 

"Yes, it's a big deal," he says, guiding me into the house. "El, you deliberately disobeyed me. What's going on? You're not usually one to break the rules and run off. All I'm trying to do is keep you safe. What don't you understand about that?" 

I'm sorry, I sign, leaving it at that. I didn't mean to make you worry.  

Dinner is served at the table where Marco sits. "Give the girl a break, Archie," he says, motioning to a plate. "Eat, child." 

My dad sighs, accepting defeat. We gather around a wooden dining room table. "Did you hear about the fire?" 

"I read about it in the paper," Marco says. 

"Thankfully, everyone is okay." 

I sit through a conversation about speculations regarding who or what started the fire at the mayor's office, eating my food as quickly as I can. When my plate is clean, I ask to leave the table. 

"Stay in the garage," my dad tells me. 

I'm fiddling with broken pieces of a wooden clock when footsteps shuffle through the dirt. I can't call for help. I'm left to defend myself.  

"Who are you?" a man asks. I don't recognize him. I've never seen him before. 

I sign my name. 

"You can't speak?" 

I shake my head. 

"Do you live here?" he asks. 

I shake my head again. I sign, Who are you? 

He doesn't answer. He barely acknowledges me as he strolls into the garage, eying the trinkets lining the shelves. 

If he attacks me, I won't be able to scream. I'll die a silent death. 

I move opposite of him as he rounds a wooden table. "You don't have to be afraid of me." 

I sign, Why are you here? 

Again, he ignores me. He doesn't attempt to understand. 

When the door opens, I exhale. Light shines through the garage as Marco enters. "Who are you?" he asks, guiding me to stand behind him. "What are you doing here?" 

"Looking for work," the stranger says. He knows Marco somehow. . . "How would you feel about taking on an assistant." 

"I can't pay you," Marco says. 

"That's okay." The man tinkers with the clock. He presses on the gears, and the hands start to move. "I'm in the mood to fix things." 

Marco nods, accepting his offer. "I could use the help."

"Is this your daughter?" the stranger asks, motioning to me.

"No, no, she's not mine. . ." Marco's head falls. "I don't have any children." 


"Under no circumstance are you to go to Mr. Gold's shop," my dad tells me the next morning. "Do you understand?" 

I nod, yes. 

He watches me catch the bus, so I don't have the option of skipping school. I sit through Ms. Blanchard's class, daydreaming about what I might say if I had a voice, if I could speak my mind.

I want to scream into the abyss. Hopefully that would expel all the negative energy from my body. I could be free of the frustration tormenting me.  

When the day is done, I enter Mr. Gold's Pawn Shop. 

He stands behind the counter with a mischievous grin stretching his lips. "Good afternoon, El." 

I sign, Find anything?

He doesn't understand, but he answers as if he does. "I've researched your condition," he says. "Unfortunately, I haven't located a solution yet. But don't worry, I'm working on it. I won't stop searching."  

Before I can ask, he rounds the counter, taking the sword from the wall. He places it in my hands. 

I exhale all the negative energy in my body into the blade. 

When the bell on the door rings, we both turn. The mayor enters with a blackened apple in her palm. 

"Excuse us for a moment, dearie," Mr. Gold says, nodding to the curtain that leads to the back of the shop. He holds it open for me, and I wait there without making a sound, a sword in my grip, listening to their conversation. 

"I forgot about your little pet," she says. "You never told me about her. Who is she?" 

"That's none of your concern," Mr. Gold says. 

"She must be important." I peek through the curtain, and the woman smiles at me. "Hopper won't be happy to know she's here." 

"What he doesn't know won't kill him," Mr. Gold says. He glances over his shoulder at the doorway, and I close the curtain. "Your Majesty, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"My tree is dying," she says. "Why?" 

"Perhaps it's your fertilizer."

The bell on the door rings. I tuck myself in a corner when I hear my dad's voice. "I'm sorry to interrupt, Mr. Gold. Is El here? I've been looking everywhere for her, and I know she has a soft spot for this establishment. I was wondering if you've seen her." 

"She's not here," Mr. Gold lies. "Sorry to disappoint." 

The bell on the door rings again. The door clicks shut. 

Mr. Gold pulls the curtain. There isn't a glimpse of a smile on his face when he finds my eyes. "You should get going, dearie," he says, taking the sword. "Your father is looking for you, and I've got business to discuss with the mayor." 

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