16. Dana and Co

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"Fuck, i'm so bored". I said sipping my coffee

"Just drink your coffee and shut up". Sarah said.

"Why are bored?" Arion asked.

"I don't know, everything bores me". I answered his question.

"So Sarah, i've beed meaning to ask, if your done with, um College and your due for a job and you even have money to buy your own house, why still stay with your parents?" Arion said as Sarah slapped his forehead. "How what was that for?" He shouted.

"Stop asking me stupid questions, i want to stay because it's the first born responsibility to take care of my 7 dunderhead siblings". She said sipping her coffee. "Does that answer your fucking question?"

"Yes, it does yes". He quickly said.

"And besides, i have three houses, one in different countries, even Blue". She added.

"When i finish High Fucking School, i'll be staying in the house i bought that is an hour drive away from the College". I told.

"Really, which college?" He asked.

"I'm not telling you, because i wanna live alone". I said.

"Won't you get lonely?" He asked again.

"Arion what is up with the questions today?" I said stabbing him with my eyes as he looked away.

After that i asked for another cup of coffee, and when i went back to sit down, Dana and Co walked into the cafe.

Of all the cafe's in Brooklyn, they had to come to this one.

I groaned frustratedly.

They ordered blah, blah, blah and sat down two tables behind us, i was backing them so they couldn't see my face.

"Wait, isn't that Dana? Hey.. Dana". Sarah shouted.

"Oh, Sarah".

"Sarah what the fuck are you doing?" I asked whispering.

"What?" She asked nonchalantly.

"Why did you.. Just forget about it".

"Hey Sarah". Dana shouted as they both hugged.

Since when the my sister start hugging people?

"Hi Dana, how are you?" Sarah asked.

'I'm good... Hi Blue". She said as i waved slightly not even looking at her. "That's some cold wave".

"You know Blue?". Sarah asked.

"Yeah we go to the same school, how do you know him?" Then Dana asked her.

"Were siblings". She said as Dana gasped.

"Shut up.. No way, are you joking?" She asked.

I am so tired of all this questions.

"Nope i am not". Sarah said shaking her head and laughing a little as my coffee came.

"Really? You guys look nothing alike, like literally nothing alike". She said as Arion laughed and i stared at him confused.

"But it is true, both of you look nothing alike". He said as i kicked his leg under the table and he shouted.

"What was that for?" He asked bending sideways to rub his leg.

"And your hair.. I thought siblings always have the same hair". She said folding her hands together.

"Well Sarah dyed her hair black, because she didn't want to share the same hair color with him". Arion said as i kicked him again. "Ow!"

Something About Blue (S.A.B)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα