26. Camping Trip Next Week

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I walked into the house after jogging for what felt like 2 hours, around 4 in the morning.

I needed to stay fit, I don't usually stress my self for all of these things because I was naturally born like this, one month of exercising boost everything on my body, everything.

Anyways I need water so I took off my headphones and went to the kitchen to drink 4 or 5 glasses of water.

After drinking I went upstairs and realized no one had woken up, so I just entered my room as exhaustion hit me on the head like a rock.

I quickly entered the bathroom to shower and some minutes later came outside with a towel wrapped around my waist.

I sat on the edge of the bed as the water from my hair dripped down to my back.

Few minutes later, i came out from my room and went to my attic. The paint would have been dried by now, so I can now stay inside.

As i was climbing the ladder, Sapphire barked seeking my attention as I looked down on her.

Oh I haven't fed her yet

I came down quickly and went to kitchen with her behind me as I brought down a can of meat. I opened the can then turned it on the frying pan, then turned on the stove. After making sure it was well fried, I turned off the stove and saw Sapphire with her bowl in her mouth sitting and wagging her tail.

I smiled and took the bowl from her mouth and turned the meat inside and placed the bowl in front of her and she began eating it, didn't even wait for it to get cold but she ate the canned meat hot.

I took her water bowl and filled it with water and placed it besides her, then I washed the frying pan, because it was the only dirty dish there. After washing and cleaning the sink I went back to the attic to start my paintings.



"Dude your gonna have to tell us". Moon said still keeping the topic going.

"I don't know how I will explain it". I said sitting down on the chair in the living room of Deborah's house. Sometimes I forget how super rich she is. "I felt like I was hallucinating, the 3D game goggles, I think that's what they call it, um.. it felt so unreal and still the same time, real". I said as they all looked at me like I was talking in another language.

"I did not understand one thing that you just said". Dana said sipping the cup of whiskey in her hand.

"I told you guys that it would be hard to explain". I said sipping my orange juice.

Yes orange juice, whiskey or anything alcohol related is not for me.

"Okay, so Hudson". I was called by Dana as I gave her my attention. "What was all that laughing and smiling with Blue all about today in school?" She asked as I shook my head rapidly.

I didn't know what happened earlier too, it was unanticipated. And at this point I didn't know how I would reply her.

"Um, I don't know what your talking about". I said being as clueless as I could be.

"Stop shitting me Hudson and spill the tea". She said.

Who still says "spill the tea?"

"Look it's nothing really, he just said he is trying out new thing, I still don't know why he chose me but I am happy that I got to laugh and talk to him". According to Dana, I spilled the tea and spilled almost everything and kept the part where I was blushing like a role tomato.

"Ok, I see you working your charm". Deborah said.

"Yeah, I guess so". I said and chuckled awkwardly.

Silence overtook the room. "Ah yes, are you guys going for the camping trip next week?" Moon asked.

I looked confused as my brain was at the speed of light searching for where I had heard that word this week. "Oh". I found it. "Yeah, I heard about it two days ago from some students, they said it's for only final year students, so I guess we are definitely going". I said sipping the orange juice in my hand.

"Yeah, it is for final year students but I think they'll pick the group that you'll be in, I think the groups are up to ten". Moon said.

"I didn't know we were going for a concert in the woods". Dana said and laughed.

"She's right the students are gonna be too much". Deborah added.

"It's camping not some party in the woods". I said.

"Whatever it's not even surprising". Dana dropped the cup of whiskey in her hand on top of the center table.

"Why isn't it not surprising?" I asked squinting my eyes at her.

"Because it's Gateway High, duh".

"She does have a point". Deborah backed her up. "I just hope I get to stay with Moonie-boo at camp". Deborah said giving him a kiss.

"Uhh" I started.

"Umm" then Moon continued.

"What, why are you guys making that sound?" Deborah asked.

"Well, half of the group are boys, the other half, girls and we are not sleeping together but separately and three people per tent or in one tent". I added new information as Deborah posted her lip as Moon and I laughed.

"That is just fucked up and not fair". She said and placed her head on Moon's chest.

"Let's just hope we stay with people that we want". Dana said as we nodded agreeing with her.

Sorry guys, I promised to publish two chapters but published only one, I have been quite busy at home so I haven't gotten anytime to write.

But I will publish the next chapter some hours later, so I will partially keep my promise to you guys.

And I have been very lazy since I entered 2024 and I hardly do things, I do, do things but not everytime.

But anyways thanks for reading.
Enjoy and spoil yourself.

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