Chapter 2: ''Getting Familiar''

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BlindGuy907: Sorry for keepin' 'ya waiting btw. Timing isn't on my side.


CatBat POV

While i was on the hill looking down at the playcare from such a great height, i see the sun set behind some of the clouds, and the moon rose up behind me I didn't realize it, but it was a full moon. Hearing the crickets chirp intensifying was calming, soothing. 

But it felt like something was missing. I didn't exactly know what, or why... But something was off...

My head started to ache, the pain increasing until it became excrutiating. I couldn't get myself to make a single sound though. Something was keeping my mouth shut. But what. As tears were forming in my eyes due to the pain...

that's when i hear it...


That line, was screamed into my ear! I wasn't looking at anythng besides the ground trying to ease the pain. 

Eventually i built up the courage to look up for a second. and in front of me, was a big, metallic, robotic hand, with unfathomably long nails slowly decending from who knows where. There was nothing i could do. I couldn't scream, i couldn't move, i just had to sit there, and stare in fear. It opened it's hand and was reaching for me. Like it wanted to help me in some way. But i couldn't move still.

Eventually, it got impatient as i wasn't making a move. It's fingers moved closer together, and it launched at me...

The sharp nails piercing my throat, blood splattering everywhere... It then pulled back out, as the process was remade, instead this time it aimed for my chest, more specifically where my heart was located. As i lay motionless on the ground, i see the hand launch at me one more time. 

But right before it finished the job...

My body jerked as my eyes shot open and i yelped. sitting up on my bed breathing heavily and shaking. Sparing a few minutes thinking about the awafully realistic nightmare i had. The hand jabbing my throat, i quickly put my hand on said area to check if there was any injury. And luckily there wasn't. Was that really just a dream? No, it can't be... right? That was too real!

After spending a couple minutes trying to calm myself down, i eventually decided to start my new going-to-be morning routine. I knew for a fact that i wasn't going back to sleep for a while, so what's the point in trying?

It was pretty lit outside, it wasn't dark for as much as i could see. I hope i haven't missed out on anything. I turned the light on inside my bedroom, and in caution, practically scanned the room for any metallic hand without much luck.

But that's when it came to me, i haven't even explored my own house! I was too tired, i just went into the first room i saw and collapsed! So i started with my own bedroom, looking at every nook and cranny to see what this room had to offer.

There wasn't anything special in here except for my signature Valerian scent. I was still in the clothes i used when i arrived with CatNap which is a fact i probobly want to bust pretty soon. I want to show a good example of myself for my first proper day here.

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