Chapter 4: ''Strange Moon Reactions''

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BlindGuy907: Sorry, but this is gonna be shorter than the other chapters.

CatBat POV

Something, or rather, someone woke me up from a deep sleep by shaking me lightly. But i didn't want to wake up. Of course, that's entirely normal for me so i don't really have to mention that. Then, they shook me even faster, annoying me. It came to the point where i was experiencing an earthquake. So i had enough. I reluctantly open my eyes in annoyance and anger. Until i saw Theo with his paws on my chest standing right beside the couch. Though that didn't really stop my tiredness. If that's even a word.

CatBat: CatNap? Wha-

He then quickly covered my mouth with his paw to shush me up. He walked towards the front door while still doing the ''shush'' gesture to not wake up the others in the same room. I was confused as to what he wanted with me right now, but i just went with it. I walked over to him, carefully to not step on any of my friends in the process. When i got to the front door i took one last look at DogDay. It didn't really seem like he was sleeping, but eh. We're different animals so it's probably just that.

CatNap led me outside only for me to see the stars and moon still shining. I instantly felt much more awake by seeing it. We walked to a big hill still admiring how realistic they made this place. Of course, i haven't seen the real sun and moon in years. So i'm not one to judge. There was a lone apple tree on the very top of the hill. So without hesitation. We quickly made it up to one of the highest branches. Making ourselves comfortable. And from here... dude, It was majestic! Has the night always been like this?! If so, then i should probably rely a bit more on my nocturnal features. CatNap then spoke up, stealing my attention.

CatNap: It's beautiful isn't it?

CatBat: Yeah... It really is.

CatNap: I've heard somewhere that this day is when they will purposely make the moon much brighter for the entire night. I'm glad they weren't lying.

We were just there. Looking at the beautiful night they made this one specific night. 8th of August. What was so special about this day that they made the night brighter?

Either way, i couldn't take my eyes off of it. It was a sight to see let me tell 'ya.

CatBat: If only i had some sort of camera to capture all of this. This is insane!

CatNap: In fact... I might've ''borrowed'' a small little camera from the company.

I snapped when i heard this. Not necessairly in a bad way. I looked back at him, and he was holding a toy-ish camera. It was like those cartoon cameras where you'd take a picture, and it would like, self print itself out from the same device. Except, this one was in the company's theme colors consisting of: Blue, red and yellow.

CatBat: Seriously?!

CatNap: Of course. Why wouldn't i grab a camera for a once-in-a-lifetime night?

CatBat: Good point, but still!

CatNap: C'mon, i'll put it infront of the councelor's office after we get some quick shots okay?

CatBat: ...n'alright. Make it quick then.

So without anything else being said, he jumped off the tree to then jog over to an area without any disturbances. I then hear the camera click a few times before half a dozen pictures came out.

He then walked back to the tree with the pictures in his paws and handed (pawed?) a few to me which i gladly accepted.

CatNap: See? Wasn't that bad eh?

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