Chapter 35 : Luca's visit

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"I don't think he's gonna come" i shrugged before I sat down on the bed and began taking of my heels.

"Oh you poor thing , he must've been caught up doing something. It's okay " cheered Irvine rubbing my back. 

Lorenzo first tells me to get ready and now it's way in past midnight  and  he's not back. Not even a call or a text not even anything. This isn't like him. He never goes anywhere without telling me. We've been fine all this time what happened now.

"Don't overthink this. " said Irvine when he noticed how lost I was in thought.

"Let's go watch a movie?" I said to him after I'd finished changing and I made my way to the theater room.

I had to switch on the lights inorder to set everything up before actually sitting down and distract my mind off my so called husband.

"You wanna  know where my baby brother is right now?" Asked a voice from behind me.

I got startled and I turned only to meet him. "Luca!"

He nodded with an evil smirk plastered on his face. He started advancing towards  me while taking his gun out.

"I  kinda led him  astray by sending a human heart to him earlier. He completely  freaked out you know. To be honest I've never seen him that scared ever since we were kids. It's like a new  emotion sprung out of him and I enjoyed watching every moment  of it." He said making his way slowly towards me.

"Luca , stay away " I told him and I meant it. I was already so very mad at his stupid brother as it is and him looking like him  wasn't doing any justice to my temper.

He chuckled and pointed his gun at me.

"Okay , you've had enough fun with my wife now" said a voice from behind him.

"Enzo come on man. Why are you such a spoil spot?" He said while looking at him with a bored expression.

"It wasn't very smart of you to send me to find someone who was already here." Said Enzo not taking his eyes of his brother

"Yeah I admit that wasn't smart but this-" he said and turned to look at me with his gum still aiming straight at me. 

"This has got to be one of my smartest moves yet" he said and fired his bullet.

I kept on looking at him. This person was a straight on no doubt psychopath.

"You get so angry you forget to aim straight too. That's just depressing. let me move in a bit" i said and started moving towards him.

"I'm just a few inches away from you now. I'm sure you can now take the shot" I said to him.

Luca just stood there with his gun  still aiming at me star-struck. I'm guessing he was not I'm the slightest expecting this. Well i wasnt expecting my husband  to disappoint  me today. 

"Alicia don't fucking play games with him " warned Lorenzo who was still standing behind Luca watching the scene unfold.

"Luca wants to shoot me , that's good. At least he's  living up to what he said he's gonna do." I said looking at him accusingly.

He then seemed to realise what I was talking about and he cursed and ran his hand through his hair  gripping it for a moment before finally letting go.

"Damn , Alicìa  I'm sorry. I got so caught up with everything I forgot. Please forgive me " he said and Luca let out an annoyingly  loud laughter.

"What the fuck did I just hear ? You The Great Lorenzo Josiah  Rivera  fucking apologised?" He said whilst laughing. "I must be high on drugs or something because there's no fucking way my little brother would ever apologise and beg all at once." He teased while wiping  away a fake tear.

"You really have become a sucker for love " he added before shaking  his head and began walking away.

Before he could make it to the door. Lorenzo held him by his shoulder and looked at him straight in the eye. "I want you to listen to me carefully Luca. Do not and I fucking mean do not try and mess with either me or my wife because you'll have an entire Mafia to deal with. Do you get that" he growled but Luca continued staring and him blankly.

That action caused Lorenzo to loose his patience with Luca which in turn earned Luca a really hard punch on his jaw he began bleeding from his nose.

Luca staggered back a bit and looked at Lorenzo surprised. Lorenzo  moved towards his brother angrily and held him by the collar.

"I said do you get that?" He repeated again. Luca just nodded his head and freed himself from the grip and quickly  dashed out of the room leaving me and my angry husband.

He closed his eyes and exhaled deeply before looking at me.

"Are you okay?"

I just nodded not sure what to say or do because now I was feeling equally responsible for his rage.

"It's not your fault , my love. Luca deserves  what he gets all the time so none of this is your fault , okay?."

I just looked at him once again and nodded.

"About that date,  I will make it up to you I promise." He said moving in towards me.

He circled his hands around my waist and brought me closer to him. "Are you mad at me ?" He asked looking and me with his cute smile.

"Yes" I replied looking away from him.

He started trailing kisses on my neck and that made me hold on to him while trying to hold back the moans that were trying to escape from me.

"You sure you're mad at me amor" he mumbled against my neck while he sucked on it.

I just moaned in response  and he just chuckled  which made it feel like a vibration against my skin.

"Amor" He said once again once he'd stopped his torture on my neck.


"Wanna watch a movie with me ? "

I looked at him shocked. For one hated everything to do with movies. The one time I forced him to watch he slept before we made it to  one third of it.

"Just consider this my first step towards making it up to you okay?" He said and I just smiled  and nodded.

"So which movie did you even watch when you came in here?" He asked as he started scrolling through the movies I'd picked out.

"Of all the movies  you could've picked you went ahead and picked a cartoon. Really , Alicìa?" He looked at me shocked.

"Yes and we're gonna watch it as well " I said as I sat down next to him and rested my head on his chest while I pressed play.

"A talking lizard how exciting " he said

"His name is Leo by the way"

INTRIGUED Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora