Chapter 36: waves

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" there's  a great possibility  that she won't even want to see me " he said lowly and I just chuckled  before shaking my head.

"Or there's a great possibility  that she's over the moon about meeting you that's why she said yes to your meet in the first place isn't it?" I replied and he remained quiet on the other line.

"Listen , whatever it is that's gonna  happen,  it's going to be for the best. But I know for sure that she's gonna love you." I said to him again.

"Will she ?"

"Whats there not to love about you?"

"What do you love about me?"


"I love you , Alicia"

"I love you too" I said and he ended the call.

"Awww , look at how happy you are right now. I swear Capo has taken over every bit of your heart. Isn't that wonderful." Teased Irvine who was enjoying his breakfast.

"Shouldn't  you be in training?" I asked him

"That's actually  the best part. There isn't any training today so basically we're free to do whatever today." He replied with a huge grin plastered on his face.

"So that is why  I was thinking we should go out  you just to enjoy  the scenery. " He said.

"Enjoy the scenery?" 

"That's what I said "

"I honestly don't fedl like walking , it's a huge space you go" I said to him falling back on my bed.

I have been super crazy tired these days and definetly not cause I'm  pregnant but rather that time of the month is almost here.

"Lazy ass , I'm going" was the last I heard of Irvine before  the door closed behind him and I was left to my thoughts.

I really wonder how dad is. I shouldn't even be thinking about him after everything he's done to me but I just  can not help it.

The last I saw of him was at the wedding. He seemed daring challenging Lorenzo like that but  I didn't miss his shaking  hands and  how his veins had taken over his skin.

Was he sick ?

I sat up straight on my bed and exhaled deeply. "There's only one way to find out after all" I mumbled while taking my phone from the bedside table. 

I knew he'd be using the same number up until now. Dialing it felt like walking straight into a lions den but there was definetly no going back.

"This is Herman"

That wasn't his usual voice. Dad's voice was forever firm and strong. He would never used a voice like this.

"I haven't got all day for you. Who is this?" He asked again.

The more he tried to put power into his voice the more shallow and withering it sounded. This was not good.

"Who is this? Listen you shall not live-" but his words got stuck in his throat and a terrible cough escaped his mouth.

He must've dropped the phone but did not hang up.

I sighed deeply and was about to end the call from my line when I heard voices from the other end.

"Sir please , excess movements and yelling will not help you right now. You need to rest. Look you were already coughing blood. I'll call the doctor right away."

I dropped my phone worried sick about how he is.

What's wrong with him. What's happened to him.

I was lost in thought sitting on the couch  near our window I didn't even notice the sun setting.

"Alicia!"  Called out Lorenzo as he burst opened the door to our room and got in.

He scanned the room quickly and caught sight  of me. "God ,  I was so worried about you. Why were you not answering my phone?" He asked me while he took slow steps towards me as if he was analysing  me.

"Is everything okay ?" He asked me and I just nodded but my dad's  coughing and shallow voice came straight into  my head and clouded every bit of sanity and calmness that I was within me and my eyes became blurry with tears.

"Alicia , what happened" Asked Lorenzo as he brought me into his arms and planted a kiss  on the top of my head.

"Hey , talk to me. What's wrong" he asked as he rubbed my back.

I had to stop crying right now and think of a stupid reason as to why I was crying. There was no way I could tell Lorenzo that I wanted to see my dad. After everything he put me through , there was no absolute way Lorenzo would ever understand that.

I quickly wipped my tears  and forced  a smile."It's actually a funny story " I said while laughing lightly.

"It's been like 32 hours since  I last had icecream and it's ruining my sense of sanity beyond measure" I said wiping the rest of my tears.

"Alicia " mumbled Lorenzo  as he ran his hands through his neatly combed hair.

"Let's go downstairs and get that ice cream then you can tell me all about your mom today " I said as I dragged him downstairs.

"Wait let me freshen up first then I'll come and join you downstairs" he said and I nodded before I began my adventure to the fridge. I could never say no to ice cream no matter the heart break.

Just then I felt a pair of hands wrapping around my waist and pulling me closer to a warm  chest

"and yes Mrs Rivera do  make sure that there is no third party joining us today. It has to be only you and me" he  said before he started suckling my neck.

I quickly  pulled away from him and looked at him.

"I ran out of concealer  and I definetly  am not putting on a polo-neck so it's a definite  no to this" I said to him and he just smirk.

"Well for starters I never liked the fact that you had to put concealer  on them. I want absolutely everyone to know that you're  mine." He said holding me closer to him

"Only mine" he growled the last part before planting a kiss on my lips.

He let go of me and proceeded to go back to our room.

Lorenzo was happy  today so that can only give some clarity that his meeting his mother Ms Rosalia went absolutely  well.

I just smiled  at the beautiful  picture of the two of them living together  in this house.

Lorenzo truly deserved to be with a mother who loved every bit of him with their whole heart and not love done out of compulsion.

Just then a piercing headache caught on to me while was  still going down the staircase. A wave of dizziness attacked me forcing me to hold on to the railing for support.

"Donna , are you okay ?" Asked a guard would just shown up.

He walked to me and helped me stand. It felt like my whole body had gone limb and I couldn't  gain control of my body at all.

He helped me sit on the couch and brought me some water. "I should call Capo right away " he said pulling out his phone  and I immediately  stopped him.

"I just haven't taken my medication since morning. I'll be fine. You do not have to call him." I said to him and he nodded then I proceeded to dismiss him.

What the freaking hell was that?

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