Frank POV

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I eyed up myself in the studio's mirror, lifting my hand and placing it in its cool surface. I could swear I saw my reflection's image ripple, my face slowly distorting and becoming something unfamiliar. Shivering, I pulled my hand away, and headed over to the couch. Rubbing my eyes in an attempt to clear my head, I suddenly felt myself fall, the world spinning before my very eyes.
"Frank." I heard a far away voice. "Frank, it's me." I felt the soft hands of someone familiar on my face, their fingers intertwining with my hair. I cried out as their blurred form started to drift away, wisps of dark hair floating in the air.

I rushed forwards, footsteps echoing loudly in the blinding room, my mind racing as I tried to catch up.
"Who are you? I called, urging them to come back. I reached out one last desperate hand as the person disintegrated right in front of me, their charming hazel eyes being the last part of them I could grasp.
I felt like crying, yet I wasn't really sure why.

Hazy light streamed in as I cracked my back, feeling the aftereffects of an uncomfortable sleep clinging to my body. Who was that person in my dream?

I suddenly recalled an article I had read once, one of those crappy ones clearly written by a middle aged man with no degree and an addiction to weed. It was a half-assed article with no true meaning,  scientific inaccuracies leaking from all sides, yet it came to mind almost violently.
"A dog in your dream means you crave companionship," I uttered out loud, trying to remember he contents of the article, "a mirror means you wish to be rich, and a ghost means you wish to die... I think." Wow, how edgy. My thoughts continued with: "And finally, a mysterious figure represents the one who will help you achieve your biggest aspirations."

I counted up it's contents on my fingers.
"There was no dog, but there was a mirror. No ghost, but... A mysterious figure had appeared." I blinked, curious as to why I cared so much. Am I having one of those awakening things? Like the hippies? "Okay, maybe that's a bit too stupid."

I snapped myself out of my ridiculous line of thinking, fumbling for my phone and checking the time as it flashed on the screen. 12:30 PM, Saturday. Crap, I'm supposed to meet that band guy today, right? How much do I even know about him, anyway? Or her, I suppose.

Panic slowly set in as I realised my predicament. I ripped off my clothes and pulled at my knotted hair, wincing as it tried ripping out of my scalp. Frantically, I rushed into the kitchen, snatching the instant noodles Gerard had bought me yesterday. He was incredibly kind for that, even if he jumpscared me a bit. I half filled the pot with water before glancing up at the microwave in front of me.

I looked at it for around 30 seconds, weighing on my choices.

"Nope. Not happening. No more microwaves." I felt determined as I shoved the uncooked noodles down my throat, regretting my choice once I tasted it. Maybe I can skip breakfast today.

Finally, I rechecked the messages sent to me. Church street, huh? That name blared bells of familiarity in my mind as I searched it up on my phone. To my horror, the little destination point dropped right next to my location on the map.

"2 minutes walking distance." The robot announced from my device. Oh god, am I being stalked? I thought about it for a second before huffing in resignation, realising there was nothing I could truly do. Hopefully my stalker is hot...

I eventually escaped the studio, making sure to clean up after myself. Locking the door, I pushed the down button on the elevator. One minute. Two minutes. Once the third minute passed I started getting agitated. Patience. All you need is patience. Once the clock on my watch flicked to 12:55, I considered jumping out of the window just to avoid taking the stairs. 

The elevator suddenly dinged and I sighed in relief. Never had I been so happy to see the grey metal cover of the worlds crappiest elevator before. Once the door started opening, I all but leaped through the gap, crashing into the person on the other side. 

"Ow, what the hell, man?" My victim was now looking up at me, his curly hair rumbled from his fall, "Oh, hey Frank!"

Ugh. This guy.

Ray Toro's mood instantly brightened upon recognising me, leaping off the floor and giving me a toothy grin. I ignored him and pushed the down arrow on the wall. 

The cold lights flickered in the box, it's claustrophobic atmosphere heightening with the appearance of Ray. Why's he even here? As if to answer my question, Ray began talking.

"Gerard sent me over here cus' he wants me to hang with you. He thinks you're feeling lonely." I blinked at him, not bothering to understand what he was saying. It's too damn early. Although from what I did understand, it sounded like Gerard was being kind to me yet again. I allowed a small smile to creep on my face as I continued ignoring Ray.

"So anyway I guess i'll get out of your hair then, since you seem to be going out." He began sounding sort of defeated, a glimmer of his prior excitement dying down, so I decided to give him a bit of mercy.

"Thanks for coming anyway. Sorry you had to go all this way." I even gave him a light pat on his back, feeling sort of guilty for brushing him off. 

"Frank..." He looked up at me almost tearily, like some kind of dramatic fool. Suddenly grinning once again, he whacked me on the back in return.

"You're one funny guy, y'know that?" Ray shoved his hands in his ripped jeans and strutted out the elevator door as it slid open. I watched as he left, his stride confident as he paraded through a random apartment hallway.

"Where're you going?" I shouted after him, forcing down a laugh as he spun back around, Ray's face suddenly becoming panicked.

"Frank! Wait, stop the elevator!"

I sadistically smirked as the doors slid closed, waving my hand at him as he sprinted forwards.

"FRANK-!!" He let out one last cry, the closed elevator blocking out outside noise. Once the descent started, I finally burst, laugher racking through my body as I folded over with tears in my eyes. What a weird guy. I smiled, stepping out onto the pavement outside, squinting at the blinding sun. 

Time to meet this guy, I guess.

I adjusted my bag and checked my hair in the windows of passing cars, feeling oddly nervous. Seeing a figure standing at the end of the street, I pulled out my phone and typed out a message.


I think I see you.

                                                                                                                                             Really? Cool, come to me!


I put my phone away and walked closer, the figure turning to look at me. I could only stop and stare at the man's long eyelashes as he blinked at me, raven hair fluttering in the wind. Of course it was him. It was always him.

"Hey, Gerard. I guess we can't escape each other, huh."

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