Frank POV

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I woke up in a haze, the sound of pots clanging making my ears perk up like a dog. The scent of buttery toast and fried bacon rested in the air as I wriggled around, attempting to move out from underneath my boyfriend's arm. 

"Gee." I nudged the boy, his face hidden amongst the duvet, "Ya gotta get up"

I felt him shift, dark hair fanning across the pillow as he rolled over. With a groan, Gerard lifted the blanket from off the bed and draped it over our shoulders. As we stepped out onto the wintery floor below, my stomach grumbled as the mouth-watering aroma of breakfast became stronger. 

Damn, we're actually going to school today, huh?

As I pulled the door open, a harsh breeze crept in and I felt myself shiver, prompting the warm figure next to me to pull me closer as we descended the stairs together.

"Gerard. You'd better keep your promise of coming to gym class with me."

The boy's warm hand moved up and down my shoulder, noticing the anxiety in my words. "Of course." 

His answer was so simple, yet it felt like a relief I hadn't known I'd needed. Normal class was easy, yet the stress of being in an open environment with kids of the same age was stressful-- Especially the terrifyingly sporty kind. Not that I couldn't take them in a fight... I'm not worried. Not at all.

Gerard's warmth inside of the shared blanket didn't leave as we sat down next to each other, taking in the sight of the bountiful feast in front of us. 

"Yo." Mikey greeted from across the table. "You guys look cozy."

Hell yeah we are.

"What's up with all the food?" Gerard asked, diverting the conversation. 

The smaller boy across from us shrugged, picking up a fork as he dug into the fluffy pancake adorning his plate. "I dunno. Dad's prolly happy cus' of his new crazy girlfriend."

Ah. I felt a pinprick of guilt, before reminding myself of the hard truth. 

"No matter how happy he is now," I began, taking a sip of orange juice as I spoke, "it won't last. I know my mother better than anyone. She's gonna bleed him dry and throw him out like a used condom." The brothers looked at me in bewilderment, and I ate my words quickly. 

Whoops. Next time, don't use such a weird metaphor.

"You're right though, Franky." Muttered Gerard from beside me. My saviour!  "We have to do something, otherwise it'll all crash and burn."

"like nine elev-" Began Mikey, before being cut off by a girl appearing from behind him, hand coming up to clasp over the boy's mouth.

"Good morning everyone!" Kristy called out in faux joviality, moving down to kiss Mikey sweetly on the cheek before pinching him from under the table. 

Me and Gerard shared a look of amusement, watching the two lovebirds scuffle as Kristy took a seat beside her boyfriend. We all ate in comfortable silence, bathing in the homely warmth of the kitchen. 

"Where's Mr. Way?" Kristy finally asked through a mouthful of toast. Just as we were about to respond, a tall shadow suddenly loomed from behind the oblivious girl. Gerard and I watched as she nearly leapt out of her own skin, Mr. Way's hand placed on her shoulder.

"AHH?!" Kristy squealed, swivelling around like a jittery music box. Mikey also jolted in silent unison, splashing chocolate milk all over himself.

The perpetrator let out a hearty chuckle, ruffling both of their heads. "Heard you were lookin' for me?" 

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