I'm Never Late.

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Walking into the house, I notice the TV is still on. I set my bag on the island before going around the couch and saw Maya asleep. I shouldn't wake her. I know this past week she hasn't gotten much sleep. Work and pregnancy is kicking her ass right now.

I turn the TV off before draping a blanket over her. I leave the kitchen light on as I go to our room. I put my bag at the foot of our bed and leave it for the morning. I bring my charger from our room with me as I go back to the living. I find another blanket and set it on the couch as I plug my phone in.

I lay on the other side of our L-shaped couch. She moved around as I was getting ready to lie down. I place a hand on her leg but continue to fix the blanket I placed over her. I kiss her cheek before lying by her feet. My back might hate me tomorrow. But I'm not going to let her sleep alone on the couch.

I quietly set a bowl in the sink, letting the eggs cook in the pan. I make sure she's still sleeping before tending to our food. I take two plates out of the cupboard and set them on the counter. I start making her a latte. I plate our food and bring it over to the couch.

I sit by her legs and rub them. She moves around, squinting at the bright light. She pulls the blanket over her head. "I know, it's bright out."

She turns onto her back, removing the blanket from her face, "First time in a while."

I put my hand on her stomach, "When did you get back?" she asks, starting to wake up even more.

"Early this morning. 1 maybe. Slept out here with you."

"Why did you do that? Your back is going to hurt."

"You sleep alone too many times. One night on the couch won't hurt, hopefully."

She's not impressed with my answer. I remember her coffee is sitting on the counter so I get up to grab it. She sits up, "Thank you for breakfast."

I hand her the mug, "Of course."

She sits back on the couch after taking the plate, "How was your week?"

She shrugs, "It was fine. I've been really tired. I was taking naps on my break."

"Don't you meet with HR this week?"

"Wednesday morning. We're going to figure out my maternity leave and if I want to be moved somewhere else."

"Do you want me to go?"

"If you can make it."

"It's my off-day. We have a game tonight and tomorrow afternoon."

"I'll go with you tonight."


She nods as she gets up, setting her plate on the coffee table. She walks down the hallway into our room. She comes back with a sweatshirt on, "I would've gotten that for you."

"I needed to get up."

She sits next to me, "I feel huge. I don't think she can get any bigger. I don't know what I will do when she does."

She lays her head on my shoulder, "Are you full?"

"No, I need to take a break."

She puts her forehead on my shoulder, "I just want her to be here."

"I know. You still have a bit though."

"I just want to hold her. I feel like it's the only thing getting me through my days."

"I'd love to stay and talk but Maya is definitely waiting for me," I tell the group of guys sitting in a small circle.

"Is she getting close?" Lorenzo asks.

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