41: 𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠𝑛'𝑡 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 ℎ𝑖𝑚

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"You look like a dude." Bakugou said honestly when Kira walked in. Wearing shorts, an oversized button up shirt and slippers. "Moron."

"He's right though. She looks like a guy, a hot one though."

"He's such a an ass. She looks fine."

"How did she get stuck in this weather?! Shouldn't she have known to get a ride?"

"Oh my God! Oh this is so great... She walked all the way here alone in the rain... I wonder if she knows HER uncle gave ME a ride to school this morning and NOT her... Oh I can't wait to see the look on her face when she finds out he likes me better..."

"Thanks Katsuki, you sure know how to complement a girl." Kira said back to Bakugou slyly.

A few students around them snickered.

"She used his first name..."

"Dating confirmed?!"

"She used my name..."
"I could compliment a girl!!! But you're not a girl, you're my friend who happens to be female." He grumbled. "There's a fucking difference."
"If I think about her as a woman too much It'll make things weird. She's not a girl, she's Kira."

"Dating not confirmed."

"I'm not even going to try to interpret that." Kira sighed and leaned back. Her hair was still wet and her makeup was halfway removed. She still had some grey smudges around her eyes though, but that was a choice.

"Alright. I hope you all did your work." Aizawa said, drawing their attention to the front of the class. "When I call your name come up and give your presentation."

"Yuuga Aoyama."


"Bakugou Katsuki."

Bakugou got up. "I didn't learn shit because My mentor hated me." He snapped.

"Is that all you've prepared?" Aizawa asked rubbing his eyes.

"No but that's all that fucking matters!!" Bakugou snapped back. "On the first day he gave me jeans and tried to play salon. On the second day he did THE SAME FUCKING THING. And the only action we got was someone calling us over a stupid dead body. But I just sat there with the other idiots while Newbie did all the work." Bakugou continued giving a very angry description of each day at his internship.

"Then some stupid brats laughed at me and shit while we were patrolling!!"

Kira giggled and covered her mouth as he ranted. He really hadn't done much, and it pissed him off.



"Alright day one." Kira pulled down a white sheet and suddenly a light from a projector appeared on it. Lighting it up with a blank slide that read "day one" on it.

"WHERE DID YOU GET THAT PROJECTOR?!" Iida asked, spinning around in shock.

"Didn't you have a day and a half to put this together?!"

"Forty eight hours is a long time Sero." Kira crossed her arms. "And I don't recall interrupting your presentation." She said with a glare.

"Whatever, whatever." The teen put his hands up.

"Of course she's prepared. She knew about this project weeks ago." Aizawa thought from the floor where he was curled up in his sleeping bag.

"Day one I was brought to the Musutafu police department. I was shown around and introduced to several officers. Afterwards I went home with detective Naomosa and participated in family game night. I learned that "Niggle" is in fact a valid scrabble word." She slideshow clicked showing several pictures. Including the one of her in the back of a cop car, and a picture of a Scrabble board with the words "scrabble queen" on the screen.

"The second day we got up at five AM to go get donuts for the force before work." Another photo of Naomosa eating a donut with the caption 'cops am I right?'
"Turns out the cops liking donuts thing is an accurate stereotype."

Then while patrolling we got a call that someone found a dead body and reported it to a local pro. So we had to come in and take care of it. She clicked to a selfie taken with groomed Bakugou flipping the camera off.

"I'LL KILL YOU FOR THIS!!" Bakugou yelled from his seat.

"Shhhh." Kira hushed. "I'm talking."

The class giggled at the picture and at his reaction as he slumped back in his chair.

"They thought it was a suicide but we noticed a few small details on the body and around the house that didn't add up. Because the gun was found in her right hand and the bullet wound on her right temple. Turns out she was left handed, not only that but she was also happily with child." Kria explained. " Because of this we figured out it was actually a homicide. The man responsible was caught just a few days ago. Though I wasn't involved with that part."

"Wait so you got to watch people solve murders?!" Jirou asked. "Totally rocking."

"Ew dead Bodies?! I would have thrown up."

"This is not the career path to take if you have a weak stomach Kaminari." Mr Aizawa mumbled from his spot on the ground.

"It's a figure of speech." Kaminari defended.

"Is it?" Kira asked, tilting her head. "Anyways, gore doesn't really bother me."
Kira was pretty desensitized to violence and gore. Due too what happened when she was a kid. "Anyways day three consisted of me getting beaten up in the name of training." The slide changed and it showed a mirror selfie she took with bruises over her face.

"Detective Naomasa is a lover and not a fighter so he called over Aizawa to kick me around." There was a picture of Aizawa with a bruise on his cheek that she circled with red and wrote 'I did that.' Over the screen. "Who I only hit like... Twice."

"When did you even take that picture?" Aizawa asked from the floor. Kira ignored the caterpillar man.

"Later on in the week me and Detective Naomasa were chilling in Hosu when the Nomu attack started. We were told to stay out of combat though because... Well neither of us were really equipped to fight those things." Kira shrugged. "But then I got a random annoying text and decided to check out the location Midoriya sent me... You know how that went."

The next slide showed news headlines of the attacks and in the center a selfie she took with Stain being loaded into an ambulance behind her. And Midoriya paralyzed being taken to another ambulance.

"Is Midoriya dying in the background?"

"This isn't about him."

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