ミ★ All stars burn out eventually ★彡

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All stars burn out eventually, 
They can only shine for so long, 
Maybe that's why I feel that all of my hope is gone, 
No, I can't, I must shine once more!, 
A star like me is no good dark and crying on the floor, 
Be quick! Catch up! You can't fall behind!, 
The spotlight doesn't wait for those who couldn't shine on time, 
But fear not, don't worry, for now is my time, 
To prove myself, as a star, that I will forever shine, 
All stars burn out eventually, and probably so will I, 
But now under this spotlight I stand, brightest star in the night sky


This poem was inspired and made specifically to represent Tsukasa Tenma (Project Sekai), describing how despite how much hope he has lost in himself by comparing his own skills to another persons, he still carries through with his dream to become a star and does the best that he can to please his friends, giving his all on every stage he is on to accomplish what he has so far. Sometimes I wish he was real just so that he can see how many people in our world see him as a star.

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