chapter 24

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Levi blinked, adjusting to the blinding lights above him. His head pounded and there was a dull aching on the side of the ribcage. 

"How are you feeling?" 

He glanced up to see a very amused, very eerie looking Gerard Argent. 

He sat up slowly, shielding his eyes from the lamp shining above him with his hair. The boy then realised he was sat on a chair, his arms bound behind it, and a table sitting in front of him. It looked like an interrogation room, almost.

"Don't worry. That wound of yours was taken care of. Whoever left you here made sure of that."

Whoever left you here.

Where had he been before?

What happened?

The green-eyed boy glanced down to see his white jumper had been taken off, leaving him in a white shirt, a blood stain splattered across it as if he'd been...

Oh shit.

"Did you shoot me?"

He peered at Gerard through a strand of hair falling over his eyes. Levi could feel the amusement, confidence and satisfaction wafting off of him. And yet he could also feel the pain lingering somewhere. It was ever present, never once leaving. Which made him wonder what exactly was causing it. 

"Me? No. One of my men must've. But don't worry about that. We have more matters to attend to."

The Powis scoffed.

"As if I'd ever help you." 

The Argent smirked that horrible smirk he seemed to always have. 

"Is that so? Not even to protect your friends?" He faltered. His friends. Where were they? "Scott... Isaac... A Lydia Martin, you two have become quite close, no? Would be a shame if something happened to her." At the defying look in Levi's eyes, he kept going. "And what about Stiles Stilinski?"

One smell of the man's emotions told him he was dead serious. 

"What do you want?"

His smile got wider, if possible. 

"My granddaughter needs a little convincing to do what needs to be done. I bring her down here, you work your empath magic and you'll be free to go."

Levi frowned in confusion.


"Allison's mother was killed. By Derek Hale. She's so close to becoming what she needs to be but she needs one more push. Her emotions are all over the place. Get rid of them. Or I'll get rid of your friends."

He gulped.

"I don't know how. I can only feel things. Not change them."

"Well, you better figure it out. I'll bring her down in a few minutes. Be ready."

With that, the old man staggered out, and he let out a breath of relief as he no longer felt the pain expanding through him. 

The only thing left to do... figure out how he was going to bluff his way through this.

Allison Argent made her way down the stairs to the basement, her lips twitching to a frown as he saw a hunched figure tied to a chair. His brown hair, wet with sweat, hanging in front of his eyes, pale skin, and breathing slow. 

When he lifted his head at the sound of her steps and the feeling of her sorrow, she gasped.

Levi Powis.

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