Rusted Bonds

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Rainy days were always fun, I loved the gloomy, uneasy, unsettling, nostalgic, wet feeling. What a way to spend your day, dancing in the rain, sipping on coffee, taking in the scent of the fresh rain, and hearing the dark clouds rolling, nothing felt better. 

To Chantelle, it was a piece of heaven lent to earth for a while. It was a mood killer for others, While for Chantelle, rain set the mood perfectly.

It allowed her time to think about herself. About Terry- About the people she loved, about the decisions she had made in her life, it was like a healing day for her. No matter how annoyed or disturbed she was, there was nothing a little bit of rain couldn't fix. 

Bree, Chantelle's best friend, on the other hand, was the brightest ray of sunshine ever. Her smile shined bright as a diamond, and her eyes were full of joy at all times. She was an optimist. 

Chantelle wasn't really fond of optimists, but she was very fond of Bree. Bree was Chantelle's prized and proud possession. 

Ethan Lee, reserved and composed, but dreamy. He was a charmer. Green Flag, Actually- He was a whole goddamn Green Forest. Bree wasn't just Chantelle's prized possession, she was Ethan Lee's property first. 

Ethan was overprotective but kind, and polite. In other words, he was a gentleman. 

      .......Was he though?


Definition of secret: not known or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others.

Chantelle never struggled with secrets. In her point of view, secrets were not something she feared, neither other people's secrets, nor her own. She never feared of them getting exposed, how would they? They were Chantelle's until she told them to someone else, which meant sharing the possession of the knowledge of her secrets with someone else. That meant they were no longer Chantelle's very own secrets and if they got exposed, it was not something surprising, yet something she knew would happen with the risk of sharing secrets, no matter who you share them with. Plus, to her, one thing was set straight, a secret is a secret.

"not known or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others."

Never in a million years would she violate that rule.

Even if her life depended on it...?

Let's look at it this way, She is a dam. A crack appears in that dam. It's small at first and harmless, over time, more cracks form, growing larger and larger until, it breaks all at the same, spilling all the water inside.

One hit, two hits, three hits, there's only much someone can take before they break open like that dam, everything coming out all at once, until there's nothing at all left behind.

 Though she looked innocent, harmless, and kinda dumb, It would come to a shock to most what she could potentially become when the time called for it. 

She knew everyone's petty little secrets. Their dirty doings, she knew everything about everyone. It was her way, she was such a trustworthy person or you could say manipulative, that she could get just about anyone to spill their dirt to her. That was who Chantelle was. 

But that was Chantelle's side when she wanted something. To her friends, the real ones, she was pretty little Chantelle, kind, caring, innocent, naive, trustworthy, girly, friendly, excited- every positive trait out there, you name it. That was also Chantelle, with the people she loved. 


Terry, Chantelle's secret obsession. Chantelle wanted him, would she get him? He was friendly, quiet, observative, more of a thinker, anti-romantic, and had little to no interest in Chantelle. All he knew about Chantelle was that she existed.

Or was he merely acting to not know Chantelle?

"not known or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others."

everybody has secrets, don't they?

(A/N) : If y'all don't mind, share a secret of yours in the comments, just let it out and see how others react to it-

He was the exact opposite of Chantelle, but opposite attracts opposite (does it?), they say. Chantelle hated acting like a simp. She made it clear to her friends that she would murder them if Terry found out she has a romantic interest in him.

Forget romantic interest, Chantelle was just obsessed, if she had the chance, she would lock him up in a room, stare at him, chain his hands and feet to a chair, force-feed him sweets all day and giggle at him.

 She didn't want a relationship, she didn't want Terry to know her at all. She just wanted to own Terry. 

Like that one doll she found at a superstore when she was 8 that her parents didn't allow to buy for her. So she drugged a little girl the same age as her who had that doll with weed she stole from her brother's backpack and stole her doll during a group sleepover.

 She was mad proud of herself.

Meaning, she could go to any length to make Terry hers.

She went to DPS University. A prestigious state university where all the rich kids and the snobs went. Ethan, Bree, and Terry went there too. Chantelle Terry and Bree were a year junior from Ethan.

It was the end of their first semester. Chantelle was18, turning 19 on the 7th of December. Bree was half a year younger. Terry was half a year older. 

The school field trip was going today. Bree had begged Chantelle to wear a cute outfit since their cabin also had Terry in it, but Chantelle couldn't care less. 

"Bree, I'm not going to lure him through how hot or cute I look, you know that very well, I do not want a man that wants me for my body or my looks, that's cheap and disgusting" 

Although she couldn't deny regretting not listening to her best friend later when she saw Terry fanboying over a cute chick on insta. 

The horrors this school trip would bring, weren't ready for Chantelle, she was a narcissistic, manipulative, snobby and selfish bitch from the inside when it came to getting what she wanted. Nothing wins against Chantelle when she wants something. 

She would kill to get what she wants.

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