Part 28

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Author's pov

“Y/n..y/n?” You heard someone calling your name and when you looked behind, you found no one. Suddenly a figure appeared in front of you. That was her, your best friend, Aria.

“Hope I'm not late?” She mumbled, and you smiled at her, shaking your head in denial.

“Did you notice that handsome hunk around? He was literally stalking us yesterday!” She speaks again, while you pay no attention to her.

She had gotten a crush on someone she thinks is stalking her. Since the first day you both have arrived at this college, her eyes had landed on that guy and she felt an attachment towards him, thinking he also has a crush on her, stating that he stalks her, and she finds that cute too.

“Why don't you go and directly ask him out if things are like that? Why wasting your time?” You replied, walking quickly towards your classroom.

“That won't be fun, you know. He should be the one to take the first step in our relationship!” She states firmly, her belivence in love is something you would never relate to.

“Gotcha! Look, he's following us behind!” She made you look back but not in a hurried way, but when you turned, you saw a guy's back figure that looked familiar to you.

You closed your eyes for once, and heard someone calling your name once again. But the voice didn't belong to your best friend.

When you opened your eyes, you found Jungkook looking at you worriedly.

“Are you okay? You scared me, love!” He speaks, holding your hands, and kissing the back of it.

What a weird dream? You thought. It's been quite a while since you had any kind of dreams, and suddenly remembering your best friend was weird too. You lost contact with Aria in the second year of your college as she moved out of the country for some reason. And till the date, you haven't received any message about her neither from her or anyone.

“You seem lost, y/n?” You heard Jungkook's panicked voice once again, and a smile creeps up onto your face. He worries nonetheless!

“I'm alright, Kook. Was just thinking about a dream.” You replied, sitting on the bed.

“You were mumbling, I thought something happened to you.” He caresses your hand, while you nodded your head at his words, affirming that everything was alright.

“Let's get ready, I've prepared something special for you.” Saying, he takes you towards the bathroom. You wondered what special it could be.

With eyes covered with his hands, you walked with him, as he guides you towards somewhere.

“What kind of surprise is this? Where are you taking me?” You couldn't help but ask him again and again, while he didn't reply, instead shutting his mouth.

“Why aren't you speaking anything, now you are worrying me!” Him being silent like this is n't what you were used to. Even if you get silent, he'd never stop talking with you. And now if he's acting like this, it's totally unimaginable.

“We are here.” He whispers in your ears, and uncovers your eyes, finally letting you see the place.

“Are you sure?” You asked, excitement leaked from your voice.

“Of course, why would I be joking to you? And not after making my wife sad last night.” You had actually forgotten everything about last night, but he dared to make you remember that.

“This isn't enough for a make up, I won't be satisfied with this.” You huffed in annoyance, it was such a great mood. Why did he have to make you remember a resentful memory?

“Don't worry, I'll do everything to make up with my sweetheart, this is just the start, my love.” He answers, winking at you.

He had taken you to hiking trails and this was one of the things you loved. Hiking was something you had been doing since your childhood with your sister as you loved being lost in nature and seeking comfort.

“Shall we head ahead?” He asks, taking your hands in his and stepping ahead.

Hiking with him was such a terrible decision for you. He barely knew anything about that, and the fact that he was leading you was even worse.

“Why did you not take a map when you didn't know the way?” You asked, quite annoyed and tired from walking all day.

“I didn't know we would get lost like that!” He sheepishly replies, looking at your tired figure. He surely was tired too, but looking at you made him quite worried.

“Come, I'll give you a piggyback.” He speaks, taking your hands in his.

“No thanks, we both are equally tired at this rate. Let's just find our way back towards the hotel, I don't wanna stay the night in between these trees.”

“But who was the one who said she loves being within nature? Why not try staying the night here too?” He jokes, but you were in no mood to joke around at this time. It was only getting scary for you.

“What if any wild animal comes? What'll happen to us then?”

“Don't worry, sweetheart. Your husband can fight!” He speaks, but soon hears a thunder making you both jolt in your places and scared.

“Yeah, yeah! He can fight right!” You mocked your scared husband, and you both laughed at yourselves.

“Let me carry you.” Saying, he gives you a piggyback and you both make your way out of the lost trails.

After an hour of walking, you both finally found the right path and reached back to the hotel after taking a car ride.

You both were equally tired and didn't have the courage to walk a single bit. You both decided to order the dinner into your room and just sleep the whole night after losing all your energy into walking.

“It was nice, wasn't it?” You asked, looking at your husband who was mesmerizing his wife's beauty.

“With you, everything is nice, my love.” He replies, back to his cheesy self.

“Can you stop being so cheesy? I feel like living with a cheese coated person.”

“Then isn't it great? You only have the advantage of having this man as your husband, while nobody else can. They can only dream-”

“The heck you mean by dream. They shouldn't dream about you either.”

“Did you just curse y/n? That wasn't you!”

“No, I didn't. You must have misheard that.”

“You didn't?”

“Of course no!”


“You don't believe me?”

“I do! But you looked so sexy cursing, my love. Just like that night, when you said oh! Kook! That's so fcking-

Stooopp-” Saying, you threw a cushion on his face, which directly landed on his perfect face.

“That's not fair. You surely need a punishment to hurt your husband like that.” He ran behind you, while you ran to save yourself from his so-called silly punishments!

End of Author's pov

To be continued.

A short and filler chapter. Hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to vote and comment. 200+ votes and 50+ comments for the next part!

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