Chapter 24

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Y/n's POV:

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Y/n's POV:

"Oh no! But on the side note.... Aww! My baby's all grown up. She's choosing to like someone who doesn't really exist, but she's all grown up." Flynn laughed slightly trying to lift the mood up a little bit.

I know I shouldn't feel like this since I don't want to hurt Y/n. But he does exist. To me. And he might just be air, but we connect in so many other ways." Julie said, looking at Flynn.

"You are the most watchable duet-ers I've ever seen." Flynn tried brightening Julie's mood.

"But it's not just singing. When we write, we're drawing from the same pain. We both know how it feels to lose our moms." Julie said, tilting her head.

"You know Reggie, I think that we should go and check on Y/n." Luke started turning away.

Julie looked at Luke and Reggie before they disappeared.

"Alright Julie do not make me cry. I'm having a really good eyeliner day." Flynn said, fanning her eyes.

"It's just... Luke's hurting so much, I wish I could help him and Y/n because I know now that I just hurt her. Maybe you could write them a song! That would make them feel better!" Flynn suggested.

"Oh my gosh, Flynn, you're a genius!" Julie said, getting ready to run out of the school.

"Wait a minute, speed racer, you still have class." Flynn grabbed Julie's arm and pulled her back.

"Right. Like I said... genius." Julie laughed, picking up her bag.

At the studio

I was packing my bag that was sitting by the corner when Alex appeared in the studio.

"Y/n? Wait a minute, what are you doing exactly?" Alex raised an eyebrow. "Wait, you don't plan on leaving, are you?"

"Yes, I'm packing and leaving for a little bit. I can't stay here. I'm going to try to leave before Luke comes back." I said, zipping up my bag.

"Alright but just know Julie did feel bad for what she said. She regretted saying that she knows that you and Luke are together practically." Alex tried explaining.

"I know that, but I just can't stay. Promise me you won't tell Luke that I'm going to his parents." I held out my pinkie for Alex to interlock with it.

"Fine I won't tell him." Alex said, interlocking our pinkies. "But just reemeber that is his safe spot so he will be back there."

The Boy from Sunset Curve ( Y/n x Luke Patterson)Where stories live. Discover now