Chapter 51- Belle's POV

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Gavin snickered and relaxed his grip a little on the arrow and released it just a tad away from his throat. "Awwww, such a sweet, sweet thing," he sneered. "Why don't you go ahead and kiss and make up? It looks like you need it."

"Then you need to let us go, Gavin," my father said, "so that we can do that. I have no weapons on me. I know that you have made sure of that."

"Yes, but Leonardo is not done with your daughter," Gvain said and looked at him. "I do not know if she has any more weapons on her, and I know that she will lie to me, to us, and say that she doesn't have anything else."

I didn't say a word and slowly blinked while I kept my gaze on Leo. My heart pounded hard and fast in my chest, and I couldn't help but flinch while I pressed my lips into a thin line, scared of what was to come next.

"Well?" Gavin asked and raised an eyebrow in question before he narrowed his eyes and scowled. "Do you have any other weapons on you?" he asked. He pushed the arrow further up my father's neck, and my father closed his eyes and pursed his lips in annoyance and fear. "Do not lie to me, Annabelle."

I hesitated before I slowly shook my head. "No," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "I do not have any other weapons on me. Leo took all of them from me."

Gavin narrowed his eyes further and pursed his lips in annoyance, and I could tell that he did not believe me. "Go ahead and finish checking her over, Leonardo," Gavn said with a small snap in his voice. "I hope you know what will happen if you are lying to me, Sweetheart." He bared his teeth in warning and dug the arrow further into my father's neck.

"Stop, please," I begged when my father groaned in pain and tried to move away from it, and my heart started to pound faster and faster while I stared at him with tears in my eyes. "Please, I am telling the truth, Gavin. Let him finish checking me out, but take that arrow out of his neck. Please. I am begging you."

Gavin sneered and narrowed his eyes, and I could tell that he was happy because I was crying. "Fine," he said and pulled the arrow away from my father's throat, much to my relief. "Go ahead, and check her over, Leonardo."

"Yes, Alpha," Leo said and nodded in confirmation. He finished checking my breasts before he slowly moved his hands lower body. His hands started to shake, and I could tell that he didn't want to continue.

"Touch her ass," Gavin said, watching him, "and then touch the insides of her legs, too."


"Do it," Gavin said, interrupting him. "Now." He started to push the arrow further into my father's neck, and my father winced and grimaced while he closed his eyes again.

"Ok, ok," Leo begged, and tears seemed to prick the corner of his eyes while he watched my father and him. "Please, stop pushing the arrow into her father's neck." He did what he was told to do and touched my ass and then moved his hands until he was touching the inside of my legs.

I bit the inside of my lips and stayed silent while I stared at him, praying that my mate wouldn't know what was happening to me.

"Well?" Gavin asked and raised an eyebrow in question, releasing the arrow from my father's throat. "Have you found anything there like I thought you would?"

"No, Alpha," Leo said and shook his head. "I have not."

"Then continue down her legs," he said. "One at a time. Front and back."

"Yes, Alpha," Leo said and nodded. He started to do what he was told to do and moved his hand up and down my leg. His whole body was tense, and he kept his gaze on me while he did so.

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