Chapter 11- Belle

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After dinner, I stayed back and started to clear away everything, wanting to get the washing done before I checked on my horse.

"You know, I have servants to do that," the king said, and I glanced at him. "You don't have to do it."

"It is no problem, Your Majesty," I said. "I am happy to help. Excuse me." I picked up some more of the plates and bowls and started to walk towards the kitchen.

"Are you saying that my staff will have a problem with clearing up the table?" the king asked with a growl. He stood and started to stalk towards me, anger filling the air around him.

I gulped and took a small breath, trying to keep my heartbeat level as I turned to look at him and noticed the dangerous look in his eyes. I knew that look all too well, having my ex use it when I did something that he didn't like. I wanted to duck my head, but something in me told me not to, so I didn't. I stared him down, making sure that I breathed.

"Well?" the king asked, stopping in front of me. He narrowed his eyes and bared his teeth, and I clutched the plates tighter.

"I am saying that it would have been harder on them if they have to stack them higher. If they do that, then... there is a chance of broken china."

He scowled and narrowed his eyes before looking around to see that there were only two other wolves in the dining room. One was Louis, and the other was a male with familiar green and blue eyes, and there was a bare spot underneath his left eye, which I might have caused. "You," he said, pointing at the male. "Come here."

The male nodded his head and stood from the table. He walked over to us and bowed his head. "Yes, Your Majesty?" he asked, his voice deeper.

"Prove her wrong." He pointed at me. "Pick up some plates and take them to the kitchen. Get started on dishes."

"I am a Warrior, and she is hard to prove wrong, but yes, Your Majesty, I will try to prove her wrong."

The King growled and stalked towards him. "Excuse me?" he asked, baring his teeth at him. "What did you say?"

"I said that she was hard to prove wrong. Most of the time, she is right in what she says," he replied.

"And how would you know if she is right or wrong?"

"Because, Your Majesty, he is my cousin," I said, and the king looked at me.

"And, how would you know?" he asked.

I pointed to my left eye. "I... cut him with a knife once. The fur doesn't look like to have covered it."

"That could be from something else. What other proof do you have?"

"I have a nickname that only I call him," I said. I bit back a smirk when my cousin groaned.

"And, if you say anything about that nickname, Bb, then I will tell them yours," he said. "And how did you know it was me?"

"Eyes and the scar," I replied. "Was Aunt Jane a Werewolf?"

"And Dad was human, which you already know because your mom and my dad were siblings."

"Isn't that how we are cousins? I mean, that is how a family tree works."

Peter scowled, and I gave him a smug smile. "It's good to see that you are still alive and still smiling." He gave me a look, and I could tell that he knew that I had changed. "Still bit by the horse bug?"

I scowled. "I have never been bitten by a "horse bug." I was born with horses in my blood. Still afraid of horses?"

Peter scowled and flicked his ears back. "Yes," he said finally, earning a triumphant smile from me and a confused look from the king.

"What, so the "mighty" warrior is afraid of a measly horse?" Louis asked, walking over to us. He had some plates in his hands, not being able to grab any more than five.

Peter scowled. "Shut up," he said, and I snorted. "Why do you have some plates?"

"I am helping," Louis replied. "And, I can't carry that many. I have no idea how I will be able to load the dishwasher and get it done."

"That is what I can do," I said. "And, I can help with whatever." I looked at the king, who was glaring at me. I kept my breathing even and tried to keep myself from panicking. "If that is alright with His Majesty, of course," I said.

The king scowled. "You may," he said. He looked at the two men that stood near us. "Help her out. Do not take no for an answer. Do you two understand?"

They bowed their heads. "Yes, Your Majesty," they said in unison.

"Good." He glared at me. "Good night."

"Good night, Your Majesty," I said. "Sleep well."

He growled and stomped off, leaving the three of us in silence.

I let out a deep breath and sighed before looking at them. "Well, let's go get the plates and stuff done. I want to check on my horse before I turn in for the night."

"And, we do need to talk, Bb," Peter said. He offered me a smile. "We need to catch up. I want to see if there isn't anyone that I need to kill."

"There is no one you need to kill, Petri," I said, calling him by one of his many nicknames. I smirked when he scowled. "But, we do need to catch up."  

The Beauty and the Beast (1st book of Fantasy Series)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ