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Evelyn sank into the luxurious leather seat of the car, her mind a whirlwind of tumultuous thoughts. The clock had just ticked past 1 AM, and moments ago, she had bid farewell to Akeno, who, in his ever-charming manner, ensured that his driver escorted her safely back to her apartment.

As the sleek vehicle glided through the vibrant, nocturnal cityscape, Evelyn tore her gaze away from the passing scenery and looked down at her trembling hands. Every fiber of her being quivered, as if she were ensnared in a surreal trance. The events of the last two hours in that crimson BDSM chamber seemed to have left an indelible mark on her psyche. They had evoked within her a peculiar mix of arousal and fear, manifesting as goosebumps and involuntary shivers.

The thoughts of the things Akeno did to Leticia and the things she did to him in return flooded back, replaying in vivid detail within the confines of her once naïve mind. She was unable to shake the haunting images, allowing them to replay repeatedly as flashbacks.

Evelyn's pulse quickened as she recalled the moment when Leticia slowly unzipped Akeno's trousers. Her heart plummeted into the depths of her stomach. From her sitting point, she was unable to see his manhood, obscured as it was by Leticia, who knelt before him. Though an insatiable curiosity tugged at her, Evelyn remained frozen, especially under the intense scrutiny of Akeno's unwavering gaze.

She watched, transfixed, as Leticia lowered her head, giving him intimate pleasure with her lips. While the act itself did not captivate Evelyn's attention, it was Akeno's countenance and expressions that drew her focus. When their eyes met, he seemed to surrender to the sensations, emitting low, sensual sounds. In response, Evelyn found herself succumbing to an overwhelming surge of arousal, her thighs involuntarily rubbing together.

Puzzled, she pondered the enigma before her. Why did Akeno fixate his gaze on her, rather than Leticia? Despite her limited sexual experiences, she was aware of the fact that men typically enjoyed watching intimate acts performed on them. Yet, Akeno's behavior was different from this norm. Before they had made eye contact, he had emitted no sound, even as Leticia had begun to use her mouth on his cock. It was almost as if his pleasure began only after Evelyn had looked him in the eyes.

At that moment, a single question invaded her thoughts, 'Does he imagine that the person pleasuring him is me and not Leticia?'

The question seemed to make sense.

"Miss Ali?" Evelyn snapped out of her thoughts as Luca, Akeno's driver, called out to her.

"Y– yes?"

"We've arrived," he announced, breaking the trance she was in. Evelyn peered out the window, confirming that they had indeed reached the parking lot of her apartment complex.


Lucas stepped out of the vehicle and approached her side to open the door.

"Thank you, Lucas. You may leave," she said with a polite smile as she stepped out from the car.

"Mr. Hiro insisted that I escort you to your door."

"Well, that would be wonderful, actually. Thank you."

Hence, Lucas accompanied her into the building, his presence offering a mix of comfort and security. They walked through the lobby and took the elevator, ultimately arriving at her front door. Only after she had unlocked the door and entered her apartment did Lucas, with a courteous nod, take his leave.

After a refreshing cold shower, Evelyn slipped into her cozy pajamas and nestled into the comforting darkness of her room. Her gaze fixated on the ceiling, evading the call of sleep. Once more, she found herself drifting into the recollections and ponderings of the evening's unsettling events.

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by N. Yves Chanelle
A struggling painter crosses paths with a mysterious art collector wh...
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