********** Memory 3 ********** (Complete)

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Ikarus stepped into his room, tossing his bag onto his bed with a heavy sigh. He then plopped himself onto the bed next to his bag. "Ughhh" Ikarus groaned, looking over to Amaru.

Amaru was sat at a desk on his computer. He was working on online college lessons, his headphones over his ears as he listened to music and typed quickly.

Ikarus sat up. He crossed his arms and waited for Amaru to look at him.

Amaru hummed, moving his headphones off of his ears and around his neck. He paused his music and turned his chair. He gave an amused chuckle and smiled softly at Ikarus, "Well? Welcome home."

Ikarus sighed, "I wish you weren't in college..." Amaru snickered, "And why's that?" Ikarus slid off of his bed and walked over to Amaru's side of the room, "Because, then you'd actually have classes with me!"

"I'm just older than you. You'll get here eventually." Amaru smiled and pat Ikarus' head.

Ikarus was sixteen now. It'd been two years since they'd first gotten here. Emily was 10, she was in fifth grade now, Ikarus was a 16 year old sophomore in high school, who hated being in high school, and Amaru was an 18 year old junior in university.

He had his first year of high school when he was adopted by the Grandville's, his prior education ended up being so ahead that he was immediately moved to university before the first semester was even completed.

"That's easy for you to say." Ikarus rolled his eyes, "You were already in university when you were my age!" Amaru laughed, "Don't compare yourself to me. I'm just a little bit different than most people."

"A little bit' is a huge understatement." Ikarus sighed. He sat on Amaru's bed. The bed was placed just behind Amaru's desk, which made it easy to sit behind Amaru while he worked.

Amaru snickered, "I'm glad you think so highly of me, Hani." Ikarus smiled. He never really knew what the words Amaru was saying meant whenever he called him some kind of japanese term.

"Don't just stare at me. You gotta say something back." Amaru laughed after he spoke. Ikarus laughed with him, "Sorry, Nae sarang."

"I was only teasing you." Amaru smiled, "It's really no big deal."

"Alright." Ikarus paused, "How did you know I was staring at you!? You have your back turned to me!?" Amaru laughed, "Lucky guess?" Ikarus face palmed, "Uh huh, sure it was."

"Did you hit yourself too hard again?" Amaru shifted back to his computer, going back to working but leaving his music shut off. "Did I what?" Ikarus paused, "Oh- no. That was an entire year ago! Chill!" Amaru laughed, "I don't think I will. It's too funny to make fun of you."

Ikarus smiled, "I like how comfortable we've gotten in the last two years..." He let out a small sigh as he got off of Amaru's bed and stood next to him. "When we first met, you were cold and vicious... But now, I think of you more like a cat." Ikarus smiled, stepping forward and running his hands through Amaru's hair, "Oh! Yeah, I got you something." Ikarus took his hands away from Amaru's hair, digging through his bag and pulling out a monster energy.

"Here you go! I know you drink a lot of these." Ikarus smiled, "I know you've been super tired today, so I hope this helps."

Amaru was silent at first, not knowing what he's supposed to say in response.

Amaru snickered, "Thanks, Hani." Amaru grabbed the drink, pulling up the thin metal tab and taking a sip. He placed the drink on his desk and went straight back to working.

Ikarus sighed, sitting down behind Amaru again and continuing to play with Amaru's hair. "Do you have a hair tie on you?" Ikarus peeked over Amaru's shoulder.

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