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I have no self worth. I'm a worthless person. I'm a lost child. I'm a failure. And I hate it. I hate school. I hate my house. I hate my face. I hate my smile. I hate my eyes. I hate my body. But I hate myself more than anything. There is nothing but pain and suffering awaiting me and I'll accept it with open arms. I'll be no ones. I have no one. I'm alone. I don't even enjoy my own solitude. I hate being alone. I feel like cutting. Everyday. Like it's a drug. I'm like the moon. Everyone says I'm beautiful but I'm rusting away and alone. I'm not pretty. If I was I would be happy. Someone just give me attention. I want someones attention. Give me attention. Don't leave me alone. I hate being alone. Just give me attention. I beg of u. It can be the littlest thing and I wouldn't care. Please just acknowledge me. Someone. Please. I do everything to be pretty. I do my make up. I do my hair on occasion. I try and dress nice. Please everyone. I even act happy. And still no one cares. No one will notice if I wasn't in school. Still no body wants me. Still I act a fool just for validation from someone. It could be from an old man at this point. At least he notices me. What if I killed myself. Would someone notice? Would people even care? I just want someone to see me for who I am. Not just for my looks. For Who I really am. I just want someone to love me. Even for my scars. Just someone. Show me what my heart is worth so i finally have a reason to live. To not die. Nothing in this world loves me and I desperately want that to change. At this point I don't see a reason to keep trying. To keep living. The world should just forget me as I have brought nothing but shame to my name and to the human race. I comfort others with words I wish to hear. I'll never be a poem so beautifully written and composed I'll never be song remembered and rejoiced. I'll forever be the unwritten thought the never finished story and the long forgot melody.

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