Chapter 03

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Jimin always tried to maintain a professional demeanor, but office gossip was difficult to ignore. As Yoongi's trusted secretary, he knew his proximity to the CEO invited speculation. But he never expected the rumors to escalate so quickly—or to turn so toxic.

It started with whispers in the break room. Jimin overheard bits and pieces as he grabbed his coffee each morning. "He's just sucking up to the boss," he'd hear, or "He's just in it for the perks." Jimin brushed it off at first, focusing on his work and his growing relationship with Yoongi. But the murmurs grew louder, becoming more pointed and vicious.

Lia, the self-proclaimed "office queen," led the charge. She was popular among her peers, with a loud laugh and an even louder personality. She often made snide comments about Jimin, thinly veiled as jokes. "Hey, Jimin, how's it feel sitting in the boss's lap?" she'd say with a smirk, eliciting laughter from her friends. "Bet you get all the perks, huh?"

Jimin tried to ignore her, but it became increasingly difficult. The more he worked with Yoongi, the more Lia's taunts grew aggressive. She'd bump into him in the hall, pretending it was an accident, or spill coffee near his desk, forcing him to clean it up. Each incident was small, but they added up, chipping away at Jimin's patience.

One afternoon, while waiting for Yoongi in the lobby, Jimin overheard Lia talking with a group of employees. "I'm telling you, he's just a gold digger," she said loudly, not caring who heard her. "He probably doesn't even like Yoongi. He's just in it for the money and the power."

Jimin clenched his fists, trying to stay calm. He knew confronting Lia wouldn't help; it would only give her more fuel for her gossip. But the accusation stung. Jimin's feelings for Yoongi were genuine, born out of late nights working together and shared confidences. It had nothing to do with money or fame.

The situation came to a head one day when Lia pushed Jimin too far. She'd been pestering him all morning, making snarky comments about his relationship with Yoongi. When Jimin walked into the break room, she was there with a group of her friends. "Hey, gold digger!" she called out, waving a hand full of fake dollar bills. "What are you gonna buy with all that CEO cash? A new car? A fancy watch?"

Jimin felt his cheeks burn with anger and embarrassment. He was about to retort when Yoongi walked in. The room fell silent, and everyone turned to see the mafia king himself. Yoongi's expression was cold as he looked around the room, his gaze finally settling on Lia.

"What's going on here?" he asked, his voice dangerously calm.

Lia stammered, trying to hide her nervousness. "Oh, nothing, Mr. Min. We were just... having some fun with Jimin. No harm meant, right, Jimin?"

Jimin hesitated, unsure of how much he should say. But Yoongi wasn't interested in her excuses. He stepped forward, his eyes locked on Lia's. "Harassment isn't tolerated in my company," he said firmly. "If I hear about anyone disrespecting Jimin—or any other employee—there will be consequences. Is that clear?"

Lia nodded, her bravado gone. "Yes, Mr. Min. Sorry, Mr. Min," she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Yoongi turned to Jimin, his expression softening slightly. "You okay?" he asked.

Jimin nodded, grateful for Yoongi's intervention. "Yeah, I'm fine," he replied, his voice steady.

Yoongi placed a hand on Jimin's shoulder. "Good. If anyone gives you trouble, you come to me. Understood?"

Jimin nodded again, feeling a surge of warmth at Yoongi's protectiveness. "Understood."

As Yoongi escorted Jimin out of the break room, the other employees watched in stunned silence. The message was clear: Jimin wasn't just the CEO's secretary; he was someone Yoongi cared about. And nobody messed with Yoongi's people.

Bound by love: The story of CEO MIn and his secretaryWhere stories live. Discover now