Entangled Desires

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Every passing day, I'm consumed by love's sway,

An uneasy feeling, my heart in disarray.

Nauseous thoughts of you, a stomach in knots,

My pulse racing wild, as love's tempest plots.

Sickness engulfs me, in this one-sided dance,

Yearning for reciprocation, a lover's chance.

Childish it may seem, this affection I bear,

Yet I crave to bring you joy, to show I truly care.

But in this hidden confession, only for my eyes to see,

I envision a future, where we are a family.

To share the journey of pregnancy's delight,

Countless sleepless nights, our baby's cries in the night.

Each moment cherished, hand in hand we'll stride,

Bound together, as love's eternal tide.

These thoughts, they haunt me, revealing my plight,

For it's clear, I'm entangled, tangled up tight.

Oh, the depths of love, how it leaves me undone,

Lost in a maze where there's nowhere to run.

Screwed, I confess, at this point I stand,

Caught in the snare of an unrequited demand.

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