Ruthless walls

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I had a dream last night
As vivid as the walls that separate us
And just as cruel as them
I was in a crowded area
Saw you through a glass window
And I wanted to talk to you
But then, chaos erupted
My friends and family
dragging me to their sides
A fight was brewing
Screams everywhere
I separated from them
Because I was looking for you
I went back to the glass window
And you weren't there anymore
I fell into despair
I was looking after you
The chaos around me didn't matter
The people didn't matter
Only you did
Where were you?
And then there was finally silence
The disagreements were fading
Giving way to peace
But I still couldn't find you
Spent an entire lucid dream
Chasing for you
Only to wake up and miss you
More than I already do

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