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Author POV:

innara along with jannat came down.
Jannat saw rayyan kneeling and sighs knowing that he must be punished severely because zayyan warned him multiple times but it didn't affect him.
Innara looks at his father.

Zayyan: come here inaara!!(Sternly)

Innara: baba i did nothing mumma was scolding me for no reason!!!

Zayyan: so you didn't go out without her permission??? didn't you misbehave with her??(Angrily)

Innara doesn't reply.

Zayyan: I am asking you something innaara!!!(Angrily)

Inaara: baba I am sorry..

Zayyan: palms out...you are getting hit on both your hands because it's first time.but if I again I find you doing something that you are not allowed then you will be punished like how your brothers are!!(Sternly)

Innara eyes fills with tears hearing about hits on her palms.

Zaayan: innara bring your palms in front otherwise your hits will be increased.

Innara cried hard zayyan's heart break hearing her cries but he was forced by innara to be strict.he won't tolerate her daughter misbehaving with his wife.

Zayyan: innara!!!(Loudly)

Innara brings her palms out.zayyan gave her a hit on him left palm.the hit was not hard but hard enough for a kid.


Innara: ahhhh...ba.ba it hurts...(Cried)

Zaayan gave her another hit on his other hand.


Innara cried hard.

Zayyan: inaara go and kneel besides your brother.

Inaara: baba please I am so..rry!!!(Cried)

Zaayan:you want me to increase your time-out??

Innara goes and knell besides rayyan.jannat was standing near sofa and watching everything.zaatan went to his room.jannat was still standing in hall.raayan and inaara were crying continuusly.

Rayyan: mumma tell baba that my knee is paining please finish my punishment!!(Cried)

Inaara:my also

Jannat: go to your room both of you and get fresh!!

Raayan ran to his room but inaara goes to her mother and hugs her.

Inaara: baba beat me today I won't talk to him ever!!(Cried)

Jannat: you were wrong I aara that's why baba got angry!!

Inaara:he hit with cane on my palms see it's got pink.(Shows her palm)

Jannat: it will get normal in some hours inaara now go and fresh up.

Innara also goes to her room.she reached and saw rayyan and saahir sitting on bed!!

Saahir: baba will forgive you bhai don't worry!!

Raayan:no I know he won't .he is angry at me.

Saahir: he will ...he always forgive us!!

After a min rayyan said.

Rayyan:I am angry at mumma today when baba was beating me she didn't even try to save me!!

Raayan was sad that his mumma didn't save him.

Innara: saahir bhai baba hit me also(cried)

They all talked for a few minutes and went down except rayyan.he was in his room crying.In the hall zayyan was working on his laptop.

Jannat POV
saahir,inara and I on the dining table.zayyan sai he will have his lunch later.he is not hungry.

I asked: where is rayyan??

Saahir:in the room!!

I asked: why?? Is he not coming for lunch??

Saahir: he said he is not hungry!!

I sigh and look at zaayan.

Zaayan: take his food in his room after having yours!

Innara was quiet all this time . I know she must be sad that her father hit her for the first time.the lunch was a silent affair.kids went to my room to sleep.after I had my lunch zaayan said.

Zayyan: take his lunch and make sure he eats that also apply ointment on his palms to soothes the burning sensation.

Jannat: i will but you also have your lunch!!

Zaayan: i will after I get free from my work!

I nodded my head and went to his room.he was lying on the bed and crying.

Jannat: rayyan have your lunch.( I said while caressing his hairs)

But he jerked my hand away.

Rayyan: I don't want to eat anything.

I said: why???

Rayyan: why did you come now when you didn't save me from baba and his punishments???

He is not angry at his baba for beating him but is angry at me for not saving him really!!!

Jaanat: shouldn't you be angry at your baba he beated you not me??

Rayyan: he did because I was wrong but you could have tried to save me from punishment but you didn't!!!!

I sigh!!

Jaanat: leave all this have your lunch and let me apply ointment on your palms.

Rayyan: I don't want to apply ointment nor do I want to have lunch.GO

I said: rayyan please have your lunch mera bacha(i caressed her hair and this time he didn't jerk my hands)

Raayan: mumma baba is so angry at me!! Won't he talk to me???(Cried)

Jannat: why won't he talk to you???he will !!now have your lunch!!

Rayyan: i don't want to eat anything.yiu keep my food here I will eat later.

I nodded my head and went away after kissing her forehead.

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Please do comment

How was zayyan with innara???

Do you want zayyan to apologise to inaara for hitting her or just console along with strict warnings???

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