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Next day

Everyone had their breakfast.zayyan went to the office.kids went to school but rayyan didn't enter the premises of school.he along with his four friends went to the mall.after some time they went to watch a movie.

On the other hand,the teacher who heard their talk complained to the principal.principal called the parents.
Everyone's parents one by one met the principal.at last zayyan and jannat went to the principal's cabin.when he got the call he was not told the reason for being called.

In the principal's cabin:

Principal: please have a seat!!

Zayyan and jannat sat down on the chair.

Zayyan: what's wrong sir??why have we been called??

Principal: Mr khan , today there was a test in Rayyan's class.but instead of giving the test he chooses to bunk the school.he along with his friends bunked his school today!!

Zayyan and jannat got shocked.

Jannat: he is not in school??

Principal: no mrs.khan,he bunked!!!

Zayyan: how many students bunked??

Principal: total 5 including rayyan.they all are good friend!!

Zayyan: how do you know the reason for bunk is a math test.

Principal: yesterday a teacher heard them.

Zayyan: you should have informed us yesterday itself instead of delaying!!

Principal: the teacher was not sure Mr khan about their plan.

Jannat: sir do you have any idea where did they go after bunking??

Principal shooks his head.

Principal: and mr.khan they all have been suspended for a week for bunking.

Zayyan nodded his head.they left the cabin.

In the car

Zayyan: how dare he bunk his class??(Angrily)

Jannat: zayyan please calm down!!

Zayyan: how can I come down after hearing about your son's doing?? today he is going to get nice beating for me that will remember for life. (Angrily)

Jannat: first check where is he??

Zayyan: how can I know that but I am sure he will return at home with inaara and Sahir let's wait for sometime.(Zayyan himself was worried for rayyan but he doesn't want to worry jannat so he said that)

Jannat nodded his head and both went to home.

Rayyan after watching movie came back to school where he usually waits for inaara and saahir so that siblings don't get any doubt.they reached home.

At home:

Zayyan and jannat was sitting in hall.zayyan was very much angry.jannat was also angry at rayyan.the door bell rang.jannat opened the door.the kids entered the house.

Zayyan: how was your day at school rayyan??(Tried to see if his son speaks the truth)

Rayyan: it was good baba(not knowing that his baba knows everything)

Zayyan: where did you go from school??(Angrily)

Rayyan got scared thinking did his baba got to know)

Rayyan: n..no where ba-(he was cutted off by a slap from zayyan)

Zayyan slapped him on his face.his face jerked to the opposite side due to the force.rayyan kept his hands on his cheeks.he looked at zayyan with tears in his eyes.saahir and inaara were also shocked!!

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