Part 3 - The Nightmare Factory

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ToyTime C.O. Part 3: The Nightmare Factory

A thick chemical odor hit me as I stepped inside. In the dim light, I could just make out that the room was home to laboratory tables and complex machinery. Countless formulas and drawings were on the walls, as if someone was trying to produce high-tech toys here.

Overcome by my curiosity, I approached one of the tables. On it was a half-finished teddy bear. The synthetic material that filled it glowed pink. On the table next to it, the lifeless eyes of a deformed doll stared into the void. These toys were not normal. They felt more like they were... alive.

When I looked at the drawings on the wall, my blood ran cold. Human body diagrams, chemical formulas, and teddy bear-like shapes were all intertwined in a chaotic mess. These drawings seemed to show that they were trying to create some kind of human-toy hybrid. My stomach started to churn. What was ToyTime C.O. after?

Suddenly, I was startled by a metallic sound from behind me. I turned around and saw a huge machine. Countless toy parts were moving inside. It was like the digestive system of a monster. A screen in front of the machine displayed various data. When I approached the screen, I saw that it said "Subject 37 - Failed" on the data. So they were doing some kind of experiment on this machine. One of the subjects was the 37th person and the experiment failed.

Then the screen suddenly changed and a new data stream started. "Subject 38 - Success Probability 85%." The image that appeared on the screen filled me with horror. It was my own face.

I turned around and felt a cold breath on my neck. A shadow was moving. When I turned my light towards the shadow, what I saw made my blood run cold. The towering figure standing in front of me was one of the nightmare mascots. But this one was different. There was a spark of wild intelligence in his eyes.

"Subject 38," he said in a hoarse voice. "It's your turn."

The nightmare mascot lunged at me. I was struggling to breathe out of fear. I looked around for a place to escape while the rusty metal door came to mind. I turned around and ran towards the door. The nightmare mascot was coming after me.

When I reached the door, I turned around and pushed it, but it wouldn't budge. In a panic, I noticed a metal box that hit my arm. When I opened the box, I saw that there was a key inside. I quickly put the key in the lock on the door and turned it. The door creaked open. I was covered in sweat. The nightmare mascot's raspy breath was coming from behind me. I ran through the door and quickly closed and locked it behind me. It was dark inside, but I felt safer than the horror outside.

I leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. My heart was still pounding. I didn't know what was in this dark room, but for now I felt safer than outside. I turned my light back on and looked around.

I saw that the room was like a warehouse. There were countless boxes and crates on the shelves. I wondered what was in these boxes, but for now the most important thing was to escape from here. I started looking for a door that could be an exit.

At the back of the warehouse I found an old wooden door. When I pushed the door, it was a bit difficult, but it finally opened. There was a narrow staircase behind the door. The stairs were going down. I wondered where this staircase led.

Without hesitation, I started to go down the stairs. The stairs were quite long and it seemed like they were going down forever. As I went down the stairs, I started to have trouble breathing.

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