Four: the world of Supernatural

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Austin sees a woman sitting with a cat in her bed in his dream. As he started to wake up, he felt warm and safe, and his dreams, for once, had not been nightmarish. He would rather have liked to keep sleeping.

"I can hear cats meowing." Austin thought.

"Isn't it true you cats have nine lives? Why don't you spare one for me, Fufu?" The woman said.

As a man walks into the room, the cat sitting with her looks toward the door.

He slowly opened his eyes, and stretched his arms a little as he was back in his room. He realized he had just been dreaming. He got up and walked towards the door.

"Are you awake?" Alisa said.

He opened the door and Alisa was standing there. She smiled and pulled back the curtain of the window, letting in bright light.

"Ugh..." Austin said.

"Morning, Austin." Alisa smiled.

"Morning." Austin said.

"You gave everyone a shock, one moment you collapsed, the next, you'd fallen asleep." Alisa said.

"S-Sorry. Was I that tired?" Austin said.

The haze of sleep finally cleared from his mind, Austin remembered that he was almost kidnapped by fairies and was saved by Jason and his pack. Like valiant knights, they emerged from the shadows, their eyes gleaming with determination. A fierce battle ensued, a clash of magic and might.

The memories flooded back, vivid and heart-pounding. Austin remembered the terror he felt as he watched the fairies encircle him, their eyes glowing with an eerie light. He remembered the desperation in his voice as he called out for help, not knowing if anyone would hear him. And then, like a beacon of hope, Jason and his pack arrived, their presence a lifeline in a sea of darkness.

As the last remnants of sleep evaporated, Austin was filled with a mix of emotions—gratitude, relief, and a lingering sense of unease. He was grateful to Jason and his pack for saving him from a fate worse than death, but the memory of that night would forever be etched in his mind. It was a reminder of the dark forces that lurked in the shadows, just beyond the realm of human comprehension.

Plus he now knows that werewolves exist, Austin gets up and looks out the window, he was back in the mansion. At that moment, a chill ran down Austin's spine as the events of the previous night came flooding back to him. He had witnessed the transformation of his friend into a bloodthirsty werewolf, something he had never believed existed outside of folklore. As he stood there, staring out the window of the mansion, he realized that his perception of reality had been irrevocably altered.

The full sun shone brightly in the blue sky, casting an eerie glow on the surrounding landscape. Austin couldn't shake the feeling that the danger was still lurking somewhere in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to strike. His mind raced, trying to piece together what he had seen and experienced. Werewolves, once considered mythical creatures, were now a terrifying reality for him.

As he stood there, lost in contemplation, a sudden noise broke the silence.

"Austin." a voice called out, breaking through the veil of silence. It was Alisa as she approached him with a warm smile. Austin's eyes met hers, and in that instant, the world seemed to hold its breath.

"What is it, Alisa?" he inquired, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

Alisa stepped closer, her eyes shimmering with a mix of concern and understanding. "Are you sure you're alright with what happened last night?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

An intriguing tale about the wolf's mateΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα