Eight: the capital of werewolves

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In the somber aftermath of Bruce's untimely demise, the Great Wolf Pack found themselves engulfed in a profound silence. A pall of grief hung heavy over the pack as they grappled with the immense loss of their beloved leader. Each member, heart burdened with sorrow, struggled to come to terms with the void left by Bruce's departure.

The once lively and boisterous pack had fallen into a state of subdued mourning. The vibrant howls that echoed through the forests were replaced by hushed whispers and mournful whimpers. The playful games and joyous hunts that once filled their days were abandoned, as the pack members retreated into their individual dens, seeking solace in solitude.

But no one who was grieving was Austin, as he kind of felt responsible for this, but no one blamed him as they all knew that Bruce was never going to make it. Austin couldn't shake the guilt that gnawed at his heart.

As the pack mourned, Alisa, the pack's wise and compassionate elder, approached Austin. With a gentle touch, she placed her paw on his shoulder and said, "Austin, come with me."

Austin followed Alisa to a secluded clearing, where they sat beneath a towering oak tree. Alisa gazed at Austin with understanding eyes and said, "I know you feel responsible for Bruce's death, but it was not your fault. Bruce was a fierce warrior who lived a full and honorable life. His death was a tragedy, but it was also a part of the natural order of things."

Austin listened intently, his eyes filled with tears. Alisa continued, "Grief is a heavy burden, but it is one that we must all bear. In time, the pain will lessen, and the memories of Bruce will bring you comfort. Remember, Austin, that you are not alone. The pack is here for you, and we will help you through this difficult time."

Austin nodded slowly, feeling a glimmer of hope amidst his sorrow. With Alisa's guidance and the support of the pack, he knew that he would find the strength to heal and move forward.

Just then, Simon appeared at the door, carrying a bag in his hand.

"Simon," Austin uttered, his voice trembling with a mixture of emotions, "what brings you here?"

A warm smile spread across Simon's face as he stepped into the room. "is Anakin here."

"Yes." Anakin said.

"I got the thing from the morgue." Simon said.

"Thanks." Anakin said.

"No problem." Simon replied, his expression conveying a mix of determination and reassurance.

With the exchange complete, Simon turned and disappeared into the shadows, leaving Austin and Anakin with a sense of anticipation and an unspoken bond that had been forged in the pursuit of a shared purpose. The bag in Simon's hand was Bruce's ashes, a tangible reminder of the loss they had endured and the journey that lay ahead.

Soon everyone in the lodge stood in silence, their thoughts swirling. The exchange had been brief, but it had forever altered their lives, as they got on oversized coats and went outside as Alisa pulled out her staff.

As she began to recite his incantation. "Nettle in the sun, holly in a ring. Twine your branches Entangle. Enmesh. Spin a spider's web."

Austin held onto Jason tight as brambles and thorns began to sprout around them. Freezing cold air wiped at his clothes and his hair. In moments, they were no longer standing in the front hallway of the lodge. They were surrounded by open fields and glassy lakes. From his vantage point on the cliff they had transported to, he could see mountains and forests. It looked like the mountain Maria sang 'The Sound of Music' on.

"Where are we?" Austin's voice trembled with awe.

"Canada," Jason replied, his gaze fixed on the distant peaks.

An intriguing tale about the wolf's mateWhere stories live. Discover now