Boot Camp

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Supergirl - Hannah Montana

"I'm super cool super hot

Living like a rock star

You think I'm super"

Britney sat curled up on the couch of her apartment, 3J. Legs up at her chest, toenails drying with red polish, and eyes spying down at the pool they were just at. A magazine was opened under her face from Pop Tiger's most recent issue about Bieber Fever but she was feeling far more nosier than gossip-y currently.

The blonde moved her eyes back and forth every few seconds between the issue and the four Minnesotan boys relaxing on floaties in the pool. They had somehow within the hour changed out of their dark long pants and warm shirts and into colorful shorts and Hawaiian shirts.

She rolled her eyes, deciding to focus on the juicy headliners instead. The same batch of new aspiring teens roll in the same way every few months anyways, and they always end up rolling out in sunglasses.

"Stop spying on them."

Britney snorted, flipping a page, "It's very entertaining, every single time."

Sabrina huffed, "It's the same thing, every single time," she emphasized, "What did they come here for again?" she asked referring to the boys.

The blonde girl sat silent, her eyes averting back again down the window as she watched them huddle just a few steps before the Jennifers. Sabrina stood at the kitchen island waiting for a response that she wasn't going to get before throwing her hands up.

Just then the door swung open, a hasty Erika coming in before kicking the door shut behind her, "Kelly just told me to get to the studio in thirty minutes," she spoke quick, moving to the bathroom to fix her appearance.

Sabrina watched as she weaved her way through the apartment, shouting after her, "Seriously?" she turned, "I told Gustavo we need like an hour notice already. Plus I thought we were free today!" she exclaimed, holding up a kitchen knife from the snack she was making for herself.

Erika shrugged as she combed through her hair, grabbing a blonde wig nearby, "Just put the kitchen knife down and get ready," she told, ignoring all the comments she also agreed with.

Britney snickered to herself, watching as the boys got covered in some pink smoothie down below per fault of the Jennifers, but soon that smile faded. She dropped her magazine, turning back to her friends slowly, "Wait, wait, wait-" she spoke fast, getting up to run over to the kitchen table.

Sabrina looked up at her with wide eyes and Erika stepped out of the bathroom while putting on a different top, "What? What? What?" Sabrina repeated back just as fast, "Stop scaring me and spit it out!"

"Where are those boys from again?" Britney asked, trying to piece things together.

Sabrina shot her a confused look, almost baffled, "What-? Who cares-"

Erika answered, walking back into the bathroom casually, "I think Minnesota?"

Britney exhaled slowly, grasping the edges of the white island, "And where did Gustavo and Kelly just fly in from?" she asked, looking between the two.

Sabrina harked out a laugh as Erika stared at her own reflection rethinking things, "Them? No way," she continued, "Gustavo was looking for a solo artist, he made that very clear."

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