School of What?

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After a long weekend of having to avoid the Palm Woods lobby and pool Erika, Sabrina, and Britney spent most of their time coped up in their apartment. They resisted the urge to go out and shop at Melrose but ultimately failed when Britney persuaded them to "get active" and "enjoy the sun."

However, now it was Monday, and while they may had been too busy worrying about the boys singing and dancing capabilities last week, it was time to attend school. Compared to seven hours a day at real public school, the three still seemed to dread the four hours they had to do at the Palm Woods in a small sectioned off classroom of the hotel.

"Carlos! For the eleventh time I'm not kidding. You all thought you were gonna get three months off from school?"

Sitting at a nearby table of the lobby, the three girls looked at one another as Kelly just came in from the poolside with the boys. This was the plan, or perhaps Gustavo's biased idea.

While the girls in the real identities went to school at the Palm Woods, having the boys go to school with them - in a class of less than twenty - would go wrong very quickly. Facing away from the scene, the three eavesdropped further even though they knew Kelly already saw them.

"It was more 'hope' than 'thought,'" Kendall admitted.

Kelly pulled out a blue official pamphlet, "According to The Actors, Singers, and Performers Association, kids under 18 in the entertainment industry must attend four hours of school a day. Did you even look at the pamphlets I gave you?"

The boys all started to stutter over one another.

"Yeah, we looked at them."

"A little bit."

Just then, the school bell interrupted the boys, and students started to swarm the lobby. One of them bumping into Kelly hard.

The four looked around at the kids passing them, "Tyler, where's everybody going?" Kendall called out to him, as Tyler walked by them.

"To school at the Palm Woods," he answered.

With their things gathered and bags slung over the shoulders, the three girls left their table, walking towards the class, passing the boys in the process and grabbing their full attention. With their heads following where the three were heading, the boys shared a look before scrambling to follow them, more curious now that they saw them.

The girls sat down in the middle of the classroom just right in front of the Jennifer's. They situated themselves, Erika glancing at the board for the topic she already knew, Sabrina taking out her notebook, and Britney taking out a compact mirror to check if her hair was already flat as the class greeted Miss Collins.

"Today, class, we're gonna learn about fractions. And I thought a fun way to do this would be if we divided up some..." Miss Collins pulled out a pair of pies, "Pies."

"Ugh, I hate pie," Sabrina muttered to her friends and they both shook their heads, feeling a little hungry.

"I love fractions."

"I love pie."

The boys were standing at the door, thinking they were going to be going to school here instead of where the girls knew where they were going.

"And after we cut them, I guess we'll have to eat them," Miss Collins smiled, and the class cheered.

"I think we're gonna like it here," Kendall sung out, rubbing his hands.

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