chapter 4

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"I have returned from Lisbon," Jungkook said to someone on a phone call in his home with no lights on, only a little bit of light coming from the window.

"Yeah, a suicide with a pistol," he said, taking a pistol in his hand and checking its cartridge.

"An autopsy won't change anything," he answered to some question asked by other person on the line .

"Yes," saying this, he cut the phone. He took out a black cloak from his bag and put it on a chair.

On the flight, it was night already , one of Juni's female trainers was writing a baby girl's name on a page , finding from internet , as she is five weeks pregnant.

Children were sleeping, some were irritating and pulling pranks on others silently.

The man in black, who stumbled upon Juni, went to the washroom and took a bag out of the cabin in the bathroom.

He sneakingly went to the systems of the plane and took out some equipment from the bag, he put that spray kind of can near the engines and waited for some minutes , he was sweating , he has his eyes shut and suddenly, the aircraft picked up fire, and jerks were observed by passengers.

"FASTEN YOUR SEATBELTS, ALL OF YOU," the air hostess shouted, while havoc was created. Everyone woke up, shouting as the plane was shaking . Juni woke up suddenly.

"What happened?" one pilot asked.

"Engine 3 failed," the other shouted.

"Cabin altitude is rising. Do we have a hole somewhere?" one shouted asked while a hole was created as the engine burst and caught fire .

Passengers started panicking. ""PUT ON THE MASK,"," the air hostess shouted while the plane was shaking. She was finding it difficult to even stand. One of the passengers at window seats saw the plane catching fire. "ALLAH HU AKBAR," he shouted, joining his palms for du'a, while others also started chanting with him, "ALLAH HU AKBAR, Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un." (Indeed, we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return), as most of the passengers were Muslims going back to their homes from Korea. They knew it was the end.

The plane tilted to one side; Juni was thrown on the walking aisle. The male trainer took off the seatbelt and hurriedly somehow placed Juni on his seat, fastening his seatbelt.

The pregnant lady trainer saw one girl without a mask hyperventilating. She took off her mask and placed the mask on the girl's face, but in the process, she was thrown somewhere harshly; she took deep breaths before she collapsed.

"Mayday, Mayday ," the pilots gave signals for emergency. They got a contact with control center but it was not of much help because nothing was working at this point .

"The stick's not working," the pilots panicked.

They just knew it was over but still tried.

The baby girl's name list flew somewhere.

Some children's hands held, while they lost consciousness.

Juni looking at his phone, at his uncle's picture, with his drowsy eyes with mask on .

Everyone knew it's their last moment.

He typed, "To stupid uncle: I love you."

But before he could tap send option , he passed out. The phone fell from his hand as he lost consciousness.

The plane flew down for some meters and then blasted...
Sounds of bullets echoed in the room, where Jungkook was practicing. His phone kept ringing. A message was delivered saying "Come to the embassy; it's an emergency" by his colleague, but he kept shooting, his face showing nothing but anger.

Taehyung had bought the sneakers finally for Juni after saving a lot of money. He was sitting in the canteen of the company he works for as a cab driver.

He opened the sneakers and looked at them. "Juni will love them," he squealed.

He took a bite of noodles.

When the news channel showed a news bulletin.

"I repeat, Aircraft B357 which departed Incheon and headed to Morocco last night crashed down into Moroccan seas.

Taehyung looked at the news.

"It was announced by the airline that all 299 passengers, including cabin crew, were killed in this accident. The exact cause is unknown. Twenty children from the Taekwondo demonstration team ~"

Taehyung stood up with his shaky legs, his mouth open as he found it difficult to breathe, as he stood up the white sneakers fell down with one shoe out of the box.
"Mr. President is arriving from Busan; please wait," one of the officials of the Blue House announced to the media who were waiting for the press release of the president.


"Among 299 passengers, 108 were Koreans, including 25 children," one of the officials informed the president.

The vice president arrived and sent the informer out.

"Mr. President, shall we leave?" he asked.

"My makeup is still undone," the president argued.

"In situations like this, to look a little worn out is better," the vice president suggested to the president, who nodded his head.

"Look at the problems I am facing with only one year left to run for elections again," the president said in frustration.

"The airplane that crashed is said to be the latest model crafted by the Dynamics System Company. It is highly possible that the crash was caused by aircraft failure," the vice president informed.

"Are you sure?" the president asked.

They were planning to somehow put blame on someone to save themselves.

"According to the log, from the control center, we are 90% sure," the vice president informed.

But until we have a report from the investigating team, I think it's best for us not to take any formal position."

The president arrived at the podium.

"My dear people of South Korea, I have never heard more tragic news in my life. As a president, I have failed to protect my people," saying this, he took out a handkerchief and cleaned his nonexistent tears.

"To all those who lost their loved ones, I offer my sincere condolences."

He bowed.

While all the cameras didn't stop clicking and recording.

"Taheyung was sitting watching his juni's videos that he uploaded on iCloud sitting in the dark room.

"Stupid uncle, I am sorry I got mad on you. Don't you get mad on me too. I know you threw your books and movies and CDs. I brought them back home; they were so heavy. Why did you leave action center? You said you would become a famous martial arts director and go to Hollywood. You said your new name would be Bruce Chan after Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan. You are coolest when doing stunts. I want friend egg when I get back. A good one," Juni was smiling in the video.

Taheyung closed the laptop and cried out loud.


"Juni," he cried, sobbing.

I broke down writing it , a lot of times.

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