Chapter 11

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Lilly stretched her arms out and felt something warm brush her fingertips. Her eyes snapped open and she saw the naked back of someone that was very close to her. Suddenly all the memories of last night came flooding back and she remembered exactly where she was. Lilly knew to keep her mouth shut because she didn’t want Jonathan’s parents to know she was here. She shifted her head comfortably and looked at the rise and fall of his massive body.

After a few minutes of staring she was shocked to see the scars going down Jonathan’s back. Only a few were raised but most of them were white scratches going down his somewhat tanned body. Without thinking she lifted her hand and traced her fingers down one of the larger ones. His whole body immediately tensed and he jumped out of bed so that his back was facing the wall. He had a look of fear mixed with hatred brewing in his beautiful golden eyes.

“So now you must think I’m a freak, go on say it,” he growled, keeping his voice low.

“No I was just-,”

“You were just what? Trying to think of a way to leave? Well my parents are gone so you can go now.”

“Stop, I was going-,”

“Just leave,” hissed Jonathan, interrupting her for the second time.

“Well if you won’t let me finish my damn sentence then I will!” she snapped.

Lilly threw off his shirt, not caring that the only thing she had on underneath was a bra and underwear. Jonathan’s gaze softened a bit as he took in her beautiful body. She yanked her clothes on and stormed out of the room. Something hard hit her waist as she went down the hall way. She flew forward, smashing her head against the table.

“Sorry Lilly,” cried Kevin.

He was holding his leg which had a big gash going down it. Lilly saw that blood began to pour from the open wound so she swooped him up in her arms and brought him into the kitchen. She immediately started running warm water over it and searched the cabinets for alcohol. Now Lizzy had come into the kitchen and started to cry at the sight of her hurt brother.

“Lizzy don’t cry, do you want to be brave and help your brother out?” asked Lilly.

She nodded and started to wipe her face with the back of her hand.

Lilly handed her a towel, “Hold this to his leg while I find some alcohol.”

The little girl held the towel as Lilly began rummaging through the cabinets again. Finally she opened one of the drawers and saw medical supplies along with some medication. She grabbed the alcohol and a few bandages so she could fix the little boy’s leg. Lilly was shocked to turn around as see Jonathan holding the towel and giving Kevin a hug. She ignored him and started to patch up the little boy.

“This is just going to sting a little but I know a brave tiger like you can handle it, right?” asked Lilly.

He just nodded and rubbed the tears from his eyes. Lilly poured the alcohol on and was impressed when the boy only winced. After thoroughly cleaning it she examined the wound to make sure it didn’t need stitches. Shifters could heal quickly but even some wounds needed help.

“No stitches needed little man. We’ll just wrap it up and you should be good as new by the end of the day.”

She applied some antibacterial ointment and tightly wrapped the bandage around. The whole time Jonathan had been staring at her intently without saying a word. Once Lilly was all finished she took Kevin down from the counter and leaned back with her hand over her face. She felt the warm sensation of something dripping down her arm and knew right away that she was injured. Her questions were answered when she felt a slow, throbbing pain come from her arm.

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