Bathroom Floors.

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Clarke's POV

The moment Bellamy left was the moment that all warmth left Clarke's body. She immediately missed his hands, his heat - his quiet strength that quelled her tumultuous soul. Bellamy's own spirit was a battered and beaten thing, but it had matured since their time on Earth. In some ways, Clarke had shaped his spirit. She wanted it back now. She wanted it close to her own. And, more than anything else, she wanted him to come back and kiss her - kiss her and never stop.

Clarke leapt off the counter and moved to stand by the door, careful to stay out of sight. Hearing Bellamy open the door, she pressed herself to the wall and waited with bated breath.

"Can I help you?" Bellamy asked in an utterly disinterested tone of voice. Clarke could picture him now, leaning up against the doorframe, shirtless and brooding.

"Where is she?" Snapped a strong female voice. It was thickly accented and deep - familiar.


The Grounder woman snarled like a rabid dog. "The girl, the one who leads the Skypeople."

"You're looking at their leader." Bellamy replied in a nonchalant tone.

Clarke nearly scoffed out loud. The Grounders didn't find sarcasm funny - they found it insulting. She was certain they had lost their sense of humor the moment they began to form new civilizations. Clarke didn't blame them. Life after the bombs must have been difficult.

She herself had lost that essential temperament, essential mindset. It was arduous, laughing in times of great tragedy. No one but Bellamy could seem to make her laugh.

"Men don't lead. You're too consumed by passion. It was unbridled rage that burned down the world," the woman exclaimed, her voice dangerously low. "Now, where is the girl? The coalition begins today."

"You know, a simple please might be nice. But, before you ask again, no I don't know where Clarke is," Bellamy started. "And, by the way, I've been told that my passion -"

"Then you wouldn't mind me searching your room." The Grounder interrupted. Her heavy footsteps could be heard traveling against the hardwood. She had shoved her way into Bellamy's room.


Clarke surveyed the bathroom, desperate for somewhere to hide.

"Haven't you Grounders ever heard of invasion of privacy?" Bellamy asked sounding slightly nervous as he followed her footsteps. Clarke took a deep breath. She didn't have much longer.

Quickly opening a cabinet below the sink, Clarke found a space to possibly squeeze herself into. It was the length and depth of the countertop above.

"Privacy is an illusion. There is no such thing." The Grounder woman retorted, still walking around the bedroom.

Clarke realized she didn't have much of a choice when it came to hiding spots. She ducked down under the counter, bringing her legs in first then her torso. Stretching her limbs out as far as the space would allow, she wiggled and squirmed until she fit completely. Seconds before Clarke heard footsteps on tile, the cabinet door was hurriedly shut.

"I wouldn't if I were you..." Bellamy began, but it was too late, she had already ventured into the bathroom.

Clarke shut her eyes. She didn't believe in God, but if she did she would've prayed. It would mean Bellamy's life if they found her in his room with him. They would take him away from her. If Clarke wanted to gain Lexa's trust, if she wanted to re-strengthen the alliance with the Forest Nation, she would have to abide by their wishes.

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