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Bellamy's POV

Bellamy could tell that Clarke was feeling nervous. He noticed it in the biting of her lip, the clenching of her fingers. Every now and again, he caught her wiping her sweaty palms on her pants.

However, Clarke didn't say anything about it to him. She didn't say that she was nervous or scared. In fact, if Bellamy had not known Clarke, he would've said she looked confident, resolute. It was the small things that singled her uncertainty.

Before they stepped into the repurposed sitting room, Bellamy reached out and grabbed Clarke's hand. He didn't mind that her skin was clammy. He didn't mind because his was too.

She stopped in her tracks, turning around to look up at him. Her face softened for a fraction of a second before hardening once more. Bellamy squeezed her hand, wanting to somehow convey his understanding without words. A simple touch could express more emotion than any language ever could.

"Don't worry," he said softly. "We're in this together - always."

"Who says I'm worried?" She asked, though it was posed more as a statement than a question.

Bellamy ducked down and kissed her cheek, his lips lingers upon her skin. "Brave Princess." Bellamy chuckled.

"Don't call me that." Clarke hissed, pulling away slightly. Her hands, however, were gripping either side of his jacket as if to conceal their shaking. It was times like these when one leader was the anchor to the other and, right now, it was his job to keep Clarke moored.

And, although she had a frown on her face, Bellamy still thought she was the most beautiful girl in existence - even with mud and leaves in her hair.

Bellamy smiled down at her, a smile complete with adoration and admiration. He had never known a girl quite like Clarke Griffin.

"You ready to go in?" He asked.

Clarke's hands slowly let go of his jacket and slipped down his chest. "Yes," was her immediate response.

Bellamy placed a hand on her lower back and guided her towards the entryway. Just before they turned into the room, Clarke straightened her shoulders and walked away from him. She entered the room before he did and didn't look back to see if he was behind her.

When Bellamy followed her in, he straightaway came into a space crowded with Grounders. The noise was deafening and the smell was even worse. He stayed close to Clarke's side not wanting to lose her in the swell of bodies.

"Ah, Clarke," said Lexa, approaching her and Bellamy from a few feet away. "I thought you decided to desert us at the last minute."

"I never back down on my word... unlike some people." Clarke spat.

The Commander cocked her head to the side, smiling at her curiously. Bellamy caught the light in her eyes, the widening of her pupils. Obviously, she found Clarke's tone amusing.

"Then where were you? You weren't in your room. You weren't in the streets..." Lexa went on, her hand hovering over the hilt of her dagger. She was dressed differently, in brighter and finer leathers.

"I -" Clarke started.

"She was in the kitchens. I asked her to bring me some whiskey." Bellamy intervened on her behalf, taking a step closer to Clarke.

Lexa turned her attention to him. Now, because she was no longer staring at Clarke, all regard slowly drained from her eyes. Once more, her face darkened. "Really? Why on Earth would she run errands for you?"

Was that jealously he detected in her voice?

"He was hurt," Clarke replied, laying a hand on his arm and Bellamy was certain she did it unconsciously. "I needed it to clean his wound."

Lexa's brows furrowed at the sight of her touching him. "Yes, I remember - my men shot you with an arrow," she was looking at Bellamy before turning her attention back to Clarke. "You should've sent for one of my healers, Clarke."

Bellamy caught the hurt in Lexa's face, the pain. It was at that moment that he wanted to try something, to test an idea that he had.

He reached out and tucked a stray strand of golden blonde hair behind Clarke's ear, his fingers trailing softly along her skin. "Clarke is a great doctor. She doesn't need anyone to do the job for her."

Lexa scowled, her cheeks turning red. Meanwhile, Clarke stood frozen in place. She looked up at Bellamy and shook her head. He dropped his hand immediately.

He was right, Lexa was jealous. That's why she separated the two of them, put them in different rooms.

"Right, I should've known," she began tersely. "Anyways, we're about to leave for the capital building. That's where the coalition will be held and where you'll meet the other Skypeople."

It was then that Lexa vanished into the crowd, disappearing from sight and mind until she reappeared moments later standing atop a table.

"Women and men!" she yelled. The room quickly descended into silence, every Grounder turning towards her. "Let us make haste towards resolution. These next few days will open old wounds and kindle archaic flames. But as you all know, pain must be inflicted before healing can begin."

"There is a new enemy to be had. It is neither the Skypeople nor one of our tribes. It is an old foe, a foe from before the time of the bomb dropping," Lexa shouted. "Now, my fellow warriors is the time to form alliances because we will never be subdued!"

The Grounders tossed their fists into the air, cheering and shouting. It wasn't just the forest ones, but a whole accumulation of different tribes. Bellamy only recognized the forest and water Grounders. The rest were unknown to him.

The entire brick building shook with their voices. It could be felt even through the floorboards. It was an unsettling sound - uncontrolled and untamed.

Amongst the chaos, a hand found his. Soft fingers gently brushed his palm open before entwining together completely. Startled, Bellamy gazed down at Clarke, thinking that she wanted to talk to him. Only, she was staring stonily ahead.

Bellamy gave her hand two firm squeezes, a silent reassurance. He noticed the corner of her mouth quirk upwards. And at that moment, he wanted nothing more than to kiss her hesitation away, to care for her just as she had cared for him. Clarke was stronger than anyone he had ever known, but she was only human.

Amidst the pandemonium, no one saw their entwined hands. No one saw how Bellamy gazed longingly down at Clarke.

Soon, all of the Grounders were pushing and shoving their way out of the stone house. Every single one of them was headed to the capital building.

"Come on, Clarke." Bellamy said, tugging on her hand. And she let him lead her out the front door.

"Let's just get this over with," she replied through gritted teeth. "The sooner we do, the sooner we can go home."

"I have a feeling it isn't going to be that simple." He mumbled.

A/N: Sorry about the late update! I find myself lacking inspiration lately. If it wasn't for you guys I would probably be an even slower updater! So, be sure to comment because hearing from you all is a MAJOR motivator.

Also, if you find yourself in need of a bellarke fix ASAP, I have written a ton of one-shots and AUs. Be sure to check them out!

One more thing, would you guys like to find out more about the other Skypeople and this new threat or would you rather that I focus on the romance?

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