Chapter 31

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"How...Damion, how did you do that?"

"This darkness inside me, it's feeling has over come my rational. I did not realize what I was doing until it was too late. I'm sorry, I did not want to hurt you, just show you how I can be in control."

"I don't understand, and I am frightened. Can you please get Antonio?"

Before Damion even had time to blink after my question, Antonio entered the room.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yea, I was just leaving."

He glanced my way once again, and then abruptly left the room. Leaving me to ponder what the hell was going on. I waited a while after he left the room before I could gather my voice, and talk to Antonio.

"What the hell happened in here?"

"I...well,  I am not sure. I was sleeping, and then I was in and out of a dream. I think that Damion was projecting his thoughts to me, and I in turn to him. It was very sexual. Then it took a strange turn. He was trying to control everything. He was being possessive, and aggressive with himself. It went from hot to scary very quickly. He was envisioning taking me in a way that was not normal, or in a way that a man would. It was very animalistic, like over the top, and it was hurting me. I didn't like it, it was scary. I was scared of him, in a way that I never thought was possible. In a way that I was never afraid before. He said he was sorry when I woke, and ran to the other side of the bed. He said that there is a  darkness inside of him, and that it is trying to take over, and he did not mean to hurt me. That he just wanted to show me that he has control. That he can have control over me. I don't understand any of it. I don't understand Dante, or him. I certainly do not understand the connection I feel with you. I kinda need some answers, my brain can't even absorb any of this."

"I want you to rest up some more, I can watch over you, then I think that there are some people we should go and see. Maybe get some answers from them, unfortunately I don't have the answers that we need. This is all so new, and I am not sure who exactly would know whats going on, so  Its a shot in the dark, but we can try. What do you say?"

"I say I have nothing to lose, no one is telling me anything here. Its more like a game of let's wait and see what happens next. I'm scared."

Antonio came over to hold me as I felt the most helpless I have ever felt in my life. Helpless and alone.

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