chapter 14

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I woke up feeling even more tired than before. looking up into a room I did not recognize. Feeling  a scream grumble as it was about to come out. Just as I was about to belt it out, a soothing voice spoke beside me, calming me immediately.

"Do not fear child. you are protected here."

I turned in the direction of the voice, to see the most beautiful woman. I knew immediately that she was the Queen, Damion's mother. She was rising from the chair beside the bed I was in, attempting to get closer. She wore a beautiful red gown  that went all the way down the the ground. Luxurious thick black raven hair that went into waves at the ends, and down her back. She looked like Damion, with the same  breath taking eyes. My thought was that she was just perfect.

"You will be perfect too, after you change into a vamp. "

She came over to the bed while I attempted to sit up. Had she just read my mind?

"Hello, you must be the Queen, Damion's mother."

"Yes darling, and yes I did indeed read your mind. I'm  trying to figure you out, look around inside to make sure you mean no harm, then I will do my best to keep out."

She smiled, and although it was lovely, she scared me to death.

"I can be scary, and deadly when needed."

Okay, now she was really scaring me. I just wanted Damion to come back and protect me.

"I have this feeling that is eating me up at night. You are bound to my son, in ways that are unheard of. It is very difficult for our kind to find our blood bonded mate. We must turn our mates into blood bonded mates. It is a rarity for that to happen anymore. Such a blessing, a wonderful thing. It makes you and my son very special, even more special together. It also makes you bound to this family, to all of our people really.  You will be his for life, there is no changing that.  Do you know nothing of this?"

"Um, no I don't, and if I am being honest,  you are kind of scaring me. What does all of this mean?"

"You will learn my darling. We will protect you here, and get to know you. We will need to search your background, try and find out who your real parents are, and find permanent ways to protect you. We will figure out who you are and who you will become. Then once you turn, you will know if Damion is for you or not.  But I can almost smell the significance you carry on you."

This was getting way too creepy. This lady was crazy. Smell things on me? How weird! 

"I must be going now. I just wanted to meet you privately without my son hovering. I will see you very soon-oh, and before I forget. I have the strangest sense that Jo is not your real name."

With that said, she turned around, still leaving me in shock, sashaying out of the room like she owned it. Which, in fact, she did.

I heard Damion in the hallway outside the room, he was addressing his mother. I could not really hear what they were saying, but he sounded angry. She was very quiet and If she was talking back to him, I certainly didn't hear it. The door opened abruptly, in walked Damion looking pissed off.

"Oh no, what happened?" I nearly flopped off the bed with worry.

"I just had to be uncomfortable dealing with my mother and father. I hate my family, you know that already. Remember when we played that game, where I was telling you something about me, and you were telling me something about you?"

"Yes, I remember. You hate your family, and you hate your brother. He killed your mate."

"Yea, about that, she wasn't my mate, everyone is pretty sure of that now."

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