Chapter 21

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Heads up, slight sexual action in this chapter. Just a forewarning. Enjoy :)

Cassidy POV

"I'm out London. I can't do this anymore." I stated calmly, not letting my nerves show. She glared at me from across the booth, crossing her arms and leaning back against the seat. "We had a deal, Cassidy." She rose an eye brow up at me and then smirked, "Don't think for one second, if you back out, I wont ruin Cheree, like, physically." I gritted my teeth and then slammed my fist on the table. Everyone in the coffee shop jumped and looked in my direction. London didn't even flinch.

I leaned forward, my fingers digging into the polished wood of the table. "If you even lay a finger on her, London. Let's just say I know a few places no one would ever find a body." Londons smirk was wiped clean off her face. She stared intently into my eyes for a minute then slowly got out of the booth and walked towards me. She leaned down so her lips were almost touching my ear. "Game on, Cassie." She then kissed my cheek and walked away.

What the fuck. This bitch is crazier than I thought. I've got to figure out a way to stop this crazy bitch. Sadly, I wouldn't put it past her psycho ass to harm Cheree. Shit.

I downed the rest of my iced mocha and made my way out to my car. I've gotta let Brooklyn know what's up... Even if that means Cheree will end up hating me, possibly for forever.

Brooklyn POV

"Babe, I'm bored." I gently shook my sleeping girlfriend who had her head rested on my lap and her legs almost completely stretched out. Heh, her legs are so short.

This drive is lasting forever. We've been on the road for two hours and still have another left. And, Layne drives like a fucking grandma. "Brooklyn, stop. I'm tired." Cheree mumbled tiredly, making me smile.

"Nope, I'll start tickling you." I stated seriously, making her groan. "See if you get any kisses or cuddles." She grumbled. I chuckled and ran my fingers through her soft brown curls. I sighed playfully, "Fine, sleep if you must. But, if I go insane from boredom, its on you sweetie." I felt her chuckly lightly. "I love you." She mumbled so silently I barely heard her. "I love you too, beautiful." I stopped running my fingers through her hair and rested my hand on her waist. I rested my head against the cold window and slowly drifted off to sleep.

"WAKE THE FUCK UP!" I heard an annoying ass yell ring through my ears. I opened my eyes and frowned when I looked down and noticed my girlfriend was no longer in my lap.

I heard a tap on my window and looked over and saw my beauty of a girl smiling back at me. Ugh, her dimple... I just... I can never stop poking it. It's so adorable. I smiled back and got out of the car. "Thank the fucking heavens, my legs are killing me." I said, stretching my back out. "Well, not everyone is 5 foot 8 with giraffe legs, Goliath." I chuckled at Layne and stopped stretching. "My legs are fucking gorgeous. It's okay to be jealous of what you don't have." I smirked at Layne, who just rolled her eyes at me. "Babe, be nice." Cheree scolded me, playfully. "Hey, she started it babe. You don't just knock the Brooke and expect nothing in return baby." I winked at her causing a smile to form.

I heard Layne scoff, "How the hell did my sweet and innocent best friend, fall in love with this?" Layne said, looking at Cheree and pointing at me. I looked at Cheree who was in thought. "I guess it was her kisses." She said bluntly, shrugging her shoulders. I'm rubbing off on her. "Oh baby, if you love these kisses," I stepped in front of her and kissed her lips deeply then pulled away, "wait till I kiss your other lips" I seductively whispered in her ear. I could see her tense up, causing me to giggle. "Ew, oh my god, ew. Georgi, let's go." Layne grabbed her luggage out of the trunk and took Georgi's hand and quickly went inside.

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