Chapter 27

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Brooklyn POV

I left the bathroom on the verge of tears. Maybe Cheree and I just aren't ready to be in an actual long term relationship yet. Maybe.. We are just too young and it's not time. I know she's the girl I want to be with forever.

Making my way down the hallway towards my class, I noticed Angel and Dakota talking by my locker. I put on a fake smile and approached them.

"Hey, bitches." I said boredly, leaning against the lockers next to Dakota.

Angel turned to look at me and had a sympathetic look on her face.

"Brooke, you're almost 18, still young. You still have awhile to settle down. Loosen up, have some fun. Fool around a bit. Then a couple years down the road, propose to your little nerd." Dakota stated matter of factly, shrugging her shoulders at the end.

I rolled my eyes at her, "Dakota.. There's more to life than sex. After having a relationship, I don't think I want to go back to just fucking. I like cuddling. I love the feeling of being a protector over someone. I love the feeling of being loved." I smiled sadly for a moment. But, once I realized the look Dakota was giving me, i scowled at her.

I pushed myself off the locker and gave Angel a quick side hug and a salute to Dakota before lazily walking away to my next class.


Sigh.. Ever since the bathroom moment with Brooklyn, I cant get her out my head. 5th period was a blur. And now here I sit in 6th period. The class I have with Brooklyn. Who is not in class.

I started to worry. Pulling out my phone, I was going to send her a quick text asking if she was okay until I heard the classroom door open and slam shut.

"Ms. Jameson. You're late." the teacher boredly stated, not even looking up from his desk.

"Yeah, thanks captain obvious". She stated sarcastically, making her way to the desk next to me.

She sat down not even acknowledging my presence. Which actually made my heart sting.

After waiting for her for 20 minutes to even spare me a glance, I decided to give up. I rested my chin in my hand and stared out the window. Not realizing how loud I sighed in the process.

"Does my class bore you Ms. Lambert. If it's soooo uninteresting to you, the door is right there." he said, pointing towards the door.

What an asshole.

"Sir, I didn't mean t..." I was cut off by his rude mouth

"I don't want to hear it. Shut your mouth and pay attention." he said rolling his eyes

"Don't talk to her like that." I heard Brooklyn state from my left.

"Excuse me?" the teacher scoffed in disbelief.

"Did I stutter? She didn't do anything. You shouldn't be rude to your students when they clearly didnt offend you. You're just pissed your train of thought was interrupted." she said calmly, shrugging her shoulders.

"Get out." he said yelled out. "You too Lambert."

I scoffed and got pissed. "I didn't even do anything!" I yelled out at him

I felt long, slim fingers wrap around my wrist tugging me up wards. Looking up and seeing Brooklyn's face, I easily went along with her.

Brooklyn grabbed her bag and mine in the process while dragging me out of the classroom, glaring at the rude ass teacher on our way out.

Brooklyn decided to drag me to the library, the back of the library where nobody ever is due to the boring research books.

We both sat down on opposite ends of eachother. Uncomfortable silence filled the air. After an agonizing 5 minutes, Brooklyn spoke up.

"I told you I want you to be my final love. The last love of my life. And, I know I will always want that. But, right now, I just don't thin either of us are ready for that. I really really fucking love you. But, I have to let you go for now. No matter how much this hurts. I have a lot of growing up to do and learning." she paused, looking down at her hands.

I could feel the tears starting to build in my eyes. She's breaking up with me.

"I just, We need to be friends. Nothing more. Not for now. We may have lovers in between. But, I'll still fond my way back to you. Back to us." she smiled sadly, attempting to grab my hands across the table. I roughly pulled away.

"Screw you Brooklyn." I yelled, not caring Im in a library.

"You'll understand one day, Cheree." she smiled sadly at me... Pissing me off even more.

"It's for the best anyway. Two days ago I got a scholarship to UCLA. You'll be here and I'll be in California." She looked away from me. Then looked back. "I'll give you your space, I can tell you do not like me right now." she got up from her chair and slowly walked away from me.

Both of us not knowing that would be the last time we would talk to eachother till graduation.

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